┏°⌜ 046: The Question

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You could tell he was confident with this 3d maneuver gear as he was very talented and athletic. Jaeger always knew exactly where to shoot the ropes and even though he was carrying you it was like you were as light as a feather.

Eren must be Hercules, otherwise you just can't explain it.

"Close your eyes again please."
He said while running onto a roof

You closed your eyes.

You only noticed how Eren fired the rope again and jumped off the roof. With your eyes closed it all felt more uncertain because you couldn't see what was going on. This time, however, flying up felt longer than usual. Your hair was blowing in the wind, the sound of the ropes pulling Eren up at high speed was the loudest.

After a while, however, you noticed how Eren was getting slower and then he fell, your grip on the brunette became tighter.

He landed on the ground and the ropes retracted completely into the 3D maneuver gear.

Eren took a deep breath
"You can open your eyes now."

Your grip on Eren lessened and you slowly opened your eyes.
Your eyes widened and you were speechless

You two stood on the wall and you could see Shiganshina from above. The wind up here was stronger, but still pleasant.

"This view is.... it's breathtaking..."
You were obviously excited and stunned.

Jaeger slowly and gently let you down so you could stand on your feet.
However, your eyes were riveted to the view, you just couldn't stop looking at it.

"Eren this... this is absolutely beautiful! Thank you for showing me this!"
You looked at him and just couldn't stop smiling, your eyes sparkled with joy

Erens looked at you too, his eyes widening
"I thought you'd like it." Now he smiled too "Seeing you like this fills me with happiness y/n."

Now your cheeks turned red. His words gave you butterflies in your stomach. You honestly didn't know how to react "Hehe...i-is that so?"

"Of course" He came one step closer to you "Generally when I see you it makes me happy, I'm glad to have met you. Ever since I dreamed of you, I knew that you were very special to me. You give me hope and courage to get through this hell and you don't see me as a devil like some others, you see me as who I am. Thank you. When i look into your eyes sometimes, I forget all my problems and thoughts."

Your eyes looked deep into his turquoise green eyes. Maybe you're just imagining it, but the starry sky was reflected in it. His words made your heart beat faster and the feeling that butterflies were in your stomach grew stronger. Are you dreaming or is this all really happening?
You opened your mouth and wanted to say something, but nothing came out, you were speechless.

Suddenly Eren knelt down and took your right hand
"Y/n, I promised you that I will protect you and I really mean it. I'd risk my life for you, I'd kill anyone who tries to harm you. I won't lose you, I won't lose Armin, I won't lose Mikasa, Connie and even Jean." His grip on your hand tightens and his brows furrowed. He is very serious.
"I know this isn't easy for you. You probably miss your family and they miss you too. You fight for a world that is not even your home, we all appreciate that very much. It's going to be hard I know, but please hold on! Together we will make it, together we will survive!"

A tear flowed down your cheek, you where unable to move or say anything.

When Eren noticed that he got up again and looked at you with a caring and worried look while both his hands were on your shoulders
"Y/n? What's wrong? Did I... say something wro-"

Without letting him finish his sentence, you hugged him tightly and buried your face in his neck. More and more tears came out from your eyes.

"Thank you Eren. Thank you. Thank you!"
Your voice was shaking and your hug was getting tighter, his hair tickled your face but it didn't bother you.

Eren returned the hug, wrapping his arms around your body and resting his head on yours.
"You don't have to say thank you."
His voice was calm and soft.

After a while you took a step back and wiped a few tears away from your face
"S-sorry, I didn't want to cry but your words just... touched me so much."

The brunette smiled weakly, stretched out his left hand to your face and wiped away another tear with his thumb.

You looked him deep in the eyes again, his hand stayed on your cheek.

"I have to ask you something. What... what am I to y-"

"Stop right there! No one is allowed to- ohhh Mr. Jaeger!"
There were three Jaegerists who  patrolled here and are supposed to guard the place.
"I-Uh, sorry sir! We didn't know that you are here!"

Eren let out an annoyed sigh and crossed his arms
"It's fine... after all, you are paying attention and doing your work."
He tried to sound neutral but you could tell he was annoyed

"Y-yes of course sir!"
They saluted
"We will continue our patrol now, have a good night Mr. Jaeger and Lady L/n!"

"G-Good night!"
You awkwardly smiled while they jumped down again with their 3d maneuver gear.

"We should go too now."
He monotonously said


He held you bridal style again and jumped down the wall.

As he was concentrated on getting you two back safely, your thoughts went insane. What did he want to ask you? 'What am I to you'??

No way... He asked this question to Mikasa in the manga/anime.
Why would he ask you that? Is it obvious that you are in love with him? Wait, does it mean he has feelings for you too? Noooo, it doesn't really mean anything.

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