┏°⌜ 045: Date?

712 31 4

Since the place was huge you had to be careful not to get lost. It was now 8:56pm and you had almost arrived at the meeting point.

You only have to walk up the stairs and you would be there, but you just stood in front of the stairs and looked at the door that led to the balcony area. If you remembered that correctly, that should be the place where Pieck was supposed to show Eren where the enemy was in the final episode of season 4 part 1.

You took another deep breath and went up the stairs. You probably overthink this situation and in the end Eren just wanted to know something organizational, but Hitch and Louise talking about a date made you more nervous.

Without hesitation you opened the door and immediately the wind was blowing through your hair and dress a bit.

Eren stood in front of the railing and looked at the view. From here you could see almost all of Shiganshina and the moon illuminated the city.

The temperatures were very pleasant and the wind was refreshing.
But Eren just stood there and didn't look at you, does he even know you're behind him? A few strands of hair and his black jacket was blowing with the wind, he seemed to enjoy it.

Since he didn't say anything, you came a few steps closer to him. Should you say something?

"You actually came."
Eren quietly said this while still looking at the view, he leaned on the railing with his arms

"Of course. Hitch said you wanted to meet me here."
You stopped 2 meters behind him and held your own hands behind your back

"Mhm." He slowly turned around and when he saw you he looked at you in surprise for a second. He analyzed your whole body before continuing
"You uh... Wow you uh... look great."

You noticed that he was trying to appear emotionless, but you could hear from his voice that he liked your outfit.

"Thank you." You smiled and your cheeks felt warm

He cleared his throat
"Well uh, I guess you haven't changed your clothes yet."

"What... do you mean?"

"I heard from Hitch that you met Jean earlier, I assume you dressed up for him and just haven't changed your outfit yet."
He makes it really obvious that he's jealous. Jaeger apparently doesn't even try to hide it. But why is he like this?

"Jean just asked me if the manga mentioned anything about where the cart- and jawtitan are hiding. I want to get one thing straight, I'm definitely not in love with Jean. I know Hitch said that to you, but it's not true."

"And why did Hitch even say it then? Did she just make it up like that?"

Shit. How are you supposed to answer that? Should you tell him the truth?
Maybe you should try to turn the tables.

You walked slowly closer to him
"Why do you even care so much? Even IF i'm in love with Jean, why are you so jealous?"

"I am not jealous."
He simply spoke, coldness trailing behind in his voice

"Yesterday when Jean asked you if you were jealous you said yes."

"I just said that to make Jean stop. I know him, he would have kept going if I hadn't just said yes. I saw you get uncomfortable as he got closer to y-" He was silent for a few moments, then he spoke up again. "Did word get around that Jean was getting closer to you, is that why Hitch thought you and Jean...?"

Perfect. You hadn't even thought of that excuse, but it was perfect.

It was quiet again and he looked at you emotionlessly. The only thing that could be heard at the moment was the wind, owls and crickets in the distance.

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