┏°⌜ 071: No place to hide

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You told them both a lot about your world. Both were very interested especially what this 'Internet' is-
but understandable, if you don't know what the internet is and suddenly learn about it, it's pretty insane.
Even for you it's hard to explain what it is and how it works- it's just there and very helpful.

But in general the mood between you three was good.
They seem to trust you more and more, but understandably there is still improvement in that regard. You only got to know each other yesterday and trust takes time.

No idea how far away you were from Shiganshina at the moment.
Outside of the cities there are only landscapes, forests and occasionally small villages, but in general there are few points of orientation.

With your arms wrapped tightly around Falco's waist, you leaned forward slightly to get a better view of the road ahead. The wind whipped through your hair, and the sound of the horses' hooves against the ground filled your ears.

As you rode, you couldn't help but feel a sense of excitement and freedom. It had been so long since you had felt truly alive, and the rush of adrenaline coursing through your veins was exhilarating.

But at the same time, a sense of unease lingered at the back of your mind. You knew that you were still in danger, and that there were people who would stop at nothing to capture you once again.

The closer you were to Shiganshina, the better. Knowing that the two Titans have disappeared again and are wanted suggests that they were really just there for distraction and not to fight. Hopefully the others are doing well.

"The idea of ​​having a thing... device... smartphone... this thing sounds awesome. This makes everyday life much easier!"
Gabis eyes sparkled

"Haha, it is!"
You smiled back

"And you just simply type something in this google stuff... for example recipes... and the thing then shows you a lot of recipes?"
Falco asked curiously


The sun shone in your face, the warmth was very pleasant.
Your body moved in rhythm with the movement of the horse.
It felt more like a trip around the world at the moment. Only the 'Super Mario Odyssey' Main theme is missing and then it would be perfect.
Riding a horse is definitely more fun than driving cars or traveling with trains. You feel much freer... well...at least when the weather is nice.
But the way your hair blows in the wind, how warm the sun feels, the sound of birds and the horses galloping- this feels like freedom.
You would like to stretch out your arms, but then you would be afraid of falling off the horse.

Looking at the landscape, how everything gets smaller behind you, it makes you feel like the center of the earth.
Optionally, your joy is also linked to the fact that you traveled back to Shiganshina.

"Hehe, you seem to be enjoying the trip."
Falco turned his head to see you behind him, noticing you smiling the whole time

"I do! I feel like a bird flying in the sky right now!"
You showed a big smile, showing your teeth

"Sounds stupid!"
Gabi laughed
"But I can't really disagree with you!"

All of a sudden you heard a loud noise behind you from afar, even the ground started to shake a little.

The three of you looked back to see what that sound was
"Hm? What was tha-"

"No way..."
Gabi breaths out, looking terrified

It was the Beasttitan- Zeke. The loud noise was probably him turning into the titan.
Although he was further away, you could not overlook him because of his size.
You could feel your heart rate increasing at the sight of the Beast Titan.

Dream ꕥ Eren J.Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz