┏°⌜ 001: Who are you? (Re-written)

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"Y/n sweetheart, take some rest now. You deserve it!"
It was your mother on the phone

You let out a quiet sigh, sitting down on your sofa
"Yeah yeah mom... I'll try."

"Okay good. I have to go now, love you!"

"Love you too!"

You hung up, looking at the phone for a short moment before placing it on the table in front of you.

Mother was right.
You had been working non-stop for the past few weeks, barely having time to take a breather. It was starting to take a toll on your mental and physical health.

After all, you are a Nurse in a Hospital nearby, so that means you had to work at day, night, sometimes at weekends and sometimes at holidays- a 24/7 Job.

You were willing to work overtime for a while as some coworkers got tested positive for the Coronavirus and had to be quarantined, but as most of them are back now and your boss was a nice person, he actually forced you to take a week off, starting today!

You closed your eyes and took a deep breath, trying to relax your tense muscles. Your mind kept drifting to your work, not able to clear your mind. It was pretty intense, the pandemic was taking a toll on everyone, especially healthcare workers like you. You knew you should be grateful for the break, but a part of you couldn't help but worry about the hundreds of patients left behind in the hospital.

You shook your head, trying to clear your thoughts. You needed to use this week off to rest and recharge. Maybe even take some time for yourself and do something you enjoy.

Today is Monday. It was a very hot day as it is Summer and you hated it. You wanted to go outside as you didn't have to work. Your best friend although was busy and your other friends had to work as it's not Weekend anymore.

So... what now? It's too hot to go outside and your friends are busy.
You decided to give in to your body's demands and leaned back on the sofa, closing your eyes. The world around you seemed to fade away as you allowed yourself to drift off to sleep.

As you drifted deeper into sleep, you noticed a certain smell.

It... stinks.
Opening your eyes you took a look around your apartment and oh god...

This place is a mess
You just realized now how messy your home actually is at the moment, but after working overtime theist weeks you were too tired to clean. You actually only came home to sleep, just to wake up and go to work again. So... now was the perfect time to clean everything!
You don't need to work this week, your friends are busy and you are bored anyways.

Although you are tired, you force yourself to get up from the sofa and start cleaning. You start with the living room, picking up all the clutter on the floor and sorting it into different piles: laundry, trash, and things that need to be put away.

As you clean, you begin to feel a sense of accomplishment. It's been a while since you've had the time to clean your home properly, and it feels good to be able to finally do it.

You turn on some music to make the cleaning process a bit more enjoyable. You sing along to the songs as you dust the shelves, vacuum the carpets, and wipe down the surfaces.

After a few hours, the living room is spotless. You take a quick break, grabbing a cold drink from the fridge before moving on to the next room.

You repeat the process with each room, taking breaks in between to rest and recharge. By the end of the day, your entire apartment is sparkling clean and you feel a sense of pride in the accomplishment.

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