┏°⌜ 058: Campanula

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You felt something tingling your ear. You slowly opened your eyes and your body started to activate all your senses again. You must have fallen asleep.

The first thing you saw was Eren right in front of your face. He had stuck something between your left ear.

When the brunette noticed that you were slowly waking up he smiled
"Welcome back sleeping princess."

Now that you were fully awake, you winced a little when you realized how close Eren's face was to yours.

Jaeger smiled again and moved back a bit. You could see how he held a few small purple flowers in his hand. With one hand you touched what Eren tucked in your ear, it also felt like a flower- probably the ones he's holding in his hand.

"This flower is called the Campanula."
He held three more flowers in front of your face

You took them in your hand while looking at them closely.
"They are beautiful."

Eren stood up and held out his hand in front of you to help you stand up.
You took his hand and stood up.

You stretch your whole body to wake up all your muscles and bones
"How long did I sleep?"

"20 minutes."
The brunette laughed quietly
"You even snored a little."

"I snored? R-really?"
It surprised you that you fell asleep at all. You were actually not particularly tired, but it was comfortable.
But you're a little embarrassed that you snored.

"Nah just kidding, don't worry. But even if you did, it wouldn't bother me."
Jaeger brushed some dirt and grass off from his pants
"Maybe it's better if we go back, but we can make a little detour at a lake just nearby."

"Sounds good!"
You nodded excitedly

You both startet to walk. Eren's step was faster, but he adjusted his step speed to be able to walk next to you.

As you made your way to the lake, Eren told you about his day and you about yours. Eren really had a lot to do today and no break. Your day, in contrast, was more relaxed.

Meanwhile you looked at the three flowers that Eren gave you. Another flower was still tucked behind your ear, but you wanted to leave it there.

Campanula huh?
You were sure that it is the flower that was seen many times in the Attack on Titan story.
Right at the beginning, for example, when Eren woke up or when Mikasa thanked Eren for putting the scarf around her.

Every Flower usually has a meaning.
You wondered what the meaning of this flower was.
Maybe tomorrow you'll have time to go to the library and read about it.

"-but I am not so sure. Hopefully they talk about it."
Eren was talking the whole time but you spaced out. You were so deep in thoughts that you didn't listen to him and had no idea what he was talking about.

You have so much going through your head right now, especially what you had talked with Armin about before.

Who is the real enemy. Why would you say something like that in Armins dream.

You looked at Eren, thinking if he really is the enemy. It's not the first time you've asked yourself this question about Eren.
But you promised each other something: that you will have no secrets from each other.
You believed he would comply, or maybe you just want to believe.

Ever since you two talked and he was honest with you you trusted him. You really trusted him.
But trusting him was your mistake once, what if you made the same mistake again?

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