┏°⌜ 034: Meetingpoint

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It's been about 20 or 30 minutes and you and the Jaegerists were still on your way to where Mikasa, Armin and the others were supposed to be. You had no idea how long it would take to get to the meeting point since you didn't even know where it was.

All you know is that it's supposed to be a small village southwest. Hopefully they will be there and hopefully Mikasa and Armin were able to convince the others. It's a rather unbelievable and weird story after all, you'd be more surprised if they believed it. It's surprising enough that Mikasa and Armin believed all of this, but it could also be that they lied to Eren and really don't want to believe or support him.

Does Eren see it the same way? Hard to imagine that he is 100% sure that the two just believed him all of this, but they talked a lot privately. Who knows what they had discussed there.

Eren has been quiet for 20 minutes now. Of course he's focused on riding the horse, but you expected Eren to tell you his theories or ask more questions after you shared what Zeke said to you in the woods.
But the brunette probably has a lot going through his head right now. He may soon see Jean, Connie and Hanji again, so he's probably thinking about what to say to them at the moment.

Yet you had so many questions at the moment, but you didn't want to bother him with them because he has enough to do and enough things to think about... but this uncertainty kills you, it feels like it eats you up from the inside.
But why were you so nervous all of the sudden? Is it because you're about to meet Connie, Jean and Hanji?
Is it the uncertainty, because you don't know what will await you in this southwestern village?

If you're already going crazy like that, then you don't even want to know how Eren and the other Jaegerists must be feeling at this moment.

"You're quite." Out of nowhere, Eren said this while looking straight ahead to concentrate on riding the horse

His voice made you flinch a little because you got used to the silence.
"I just have so many questions and thoughts going through my head, that's all..." You could literally feel your nervousness running through your veins.

Eren casually:
"Tell me about it. I also have a few things going through my head, but they say that it's good to talk about them."

"Eheh, you are right... Well- if you don't mind, I'd like to ask you a question. I don't want to question your friendship with them or sound disrespectful, but why are you sure you can trust Mikasa and Armin?
How do you know that they even believed you everything?"

He cleared his throat: "While the three of us talked alone in this small house, I showed Mikasa and Armin your world for a short time. Firstly, I did this to show them what your world looks like and also so that they have proof that your world really exists. "

So Jaeger had really shown them your world. That calmed you down a bit because like Eren already said, it should be prove enough that Eren hadn't lied.

"And also-" he continued "- Armin said that he would like to talk with you about something later. Alone."

With you? Alone? This made you nervous and your grip on Eren tightened
"Wait what? But why?"

Jaeger gave you a short sideways glance
"Don't worry, it's nothing bad y/n."

Armin is a logical strategist. Even if he's a nice guy and you liked him, an face-to-face conversation with Armin can't just be a simple gossip. It has to be something important.
"Are you sure?? But does Armin-"

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