┏°⌜ 085: Wake up

305 18 12

Beep Beep Beep

Beep Beep Beep

What was that noise?

Beep Beep Beep

Beep Beep Beep

It sounded like an machine, making a beep sound frequently.

Are you imagining these noises? Everything just felt weird.
You didn't know where you are or what time it was.
You couldn't see anything and couldn't move, trapped in a seemingly immovable body. Panic rose within you, as you desperately tried to make sense of your surroundings. Was this a nightmare? Or was it reality? Are you still in the paths?

The beeping continued, each sound echoing in the void of your mind. It felt like the only constant in this disorienting limbo.

Whispers filled the darkness, soft voices floating like ethereal beings.
The sound carried a mix of relief and anticipation, but who were they? Who is calling your name?

Silent moments passed, the beeping sound seemingly growing louder, more intense. You could sense a buzz of activity surrounding you, footsteps scurrying to and fro, as if an army was preparing for a decisive battle. And yet, you remained trapped, unable to participate or comprehend the nature of this impending event.

A sudden surge of energy coursed through your body. The beeping ceased, replaced by a deafening silence. Slowly, the darkness lifted, a sliver of light piercing through the abyss. You squinted against the sudden brightness, your eyes adjusting to the new reality unfolding before you.

You found yourself in a hospital room, surrounded by machines and monitors that blinked with life.
Tubes and wires connected you to these contraptions, explaining the eerie sounds that had plagued your consciousness.
You attempted to move, and to your relief, your muscles obeyed this time, albeit weakly and with great effort.

Standing beside you was a nurse, her eyes filled with both surprise and relief.
"Y/n!" she said, her voice filled with genuine warmth.
"My goodness, y-you are awake! I know you might be confused, but everything is alright!
You've been in a coma for quite some time."

Questions welled up within you, begging to be answered, but weakness still gripped your limbs. You managed a feeble whisper
"Where... am I?"

The nurse's comforting smile touched her eyes.
"You're in the hospital, dear. Don't worry and take your time! You're going to be alright now. Just take it easy."
The nurse replied, her words a soothing balm to your disoriented mind.

Does that mean you are back in your world?
Your thoughts were foggy, but you remembered most of it.

"I'll get a Doctor. I'll be right back!"
The nurse said, walking out of the room.

So many questions went through your head. You did it right? You were able to save Eldia, but then why are you back in your world? Where is Eren? Where is Ymir?

Your thoughts were interrupted when you saw 2 people enter the room.
It was a the nurse again, and a older man with a white coat and a clipboard in hand- probably the doctor.

The doctor said, taking a chair and placing it besides your bed, sitting down on it
"You may still be very confused, but please remain calm, everything is fine."

This man...
Now you recognized this place. The nurse, the doctor- they were your co-workers. And this hospital here, that was the hospital you worked at as a nurse.

Before meeting Eren, you've recently worked here day in and day out, often even spent the night here and did a lot of overtime due to the Corona pandemic, where now fortunately the situation gradually improved. Because of your overtime, your supervisor gave you two weeks off, where at your first day off you got attacked by Zeke.

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