┏°⌜ 080: Paths

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For a moment, just after you felt Zeke and Eren's hands, it became extremely light. It was very dazzling.
And the hard ground suddenly felt so soft... like sand.
The explosions that could be heard outside a second ago suddenly became silent.
It was quiet.

You slowly opened your eyes and could see a desert under a starry sky. Straight ahead, what appeared to be the center was a tree-like beam of light shooting up into the sky, and in the sky the lights branched out.

This is it. The Paths.

"It worked."
Zeke whispered in awe, his voice barely audible in the silence. Eren nodded in agreement, his eyes fixated on the mesmerizing sight before them.

As you stood there, taking in the beauty and magnitude of the Paths, a wave of realization washed over you. This was the source of all the power and understanding that had been hidden from humanity for so long. This was where the Founding Titan's true potential resided.

In this realm, time seemed to lose all meaning. Past, present, and future merged into one, blurring the boundaries of reality.
Everything that happens here, even if you'd stay here for years, would have only been a second in reality.

Eren took in a deep breath, knowing what comes next
"Now comes the interesting part..."
The brunette turned around to look at you
"Are you alright?"

You nodded, feeling a mixture of being scared and nervousness. "Y-yes, I'm alright." you replied, your voice filled with uneasiness.

Eren gave you a reassuring nod. "Good..."

"So... what if it doesn't work, huh?"
Zeke crossed his arms. He never was truly convinced of the plan bringing every Eldia to your world
"I mean, we don't even know if it is possible."

"There is only one way to find it out."
The brunette gave his half-brother a sharp look
"Just don't get any stupid ideas, or-"

"-or what?"
The bearded man spat back
"May I remember you that YOU are the one who betrayed and lied to me?"

"Zeke this is not the fucking time to-"

"It is. We have time here, my dear little brother. We have all the time we need here."
The bearded man sounded actually pissed. Such a mood was unusual for him

"I swear to god I- ugh. This was nothing personal. I only did what I though was right to save the Island."
Eren crossed his arms, looking directly at Zeke with an expression that could kill people

The blonde let out an sarcastic laugh
"Carla would be proud of you."

"Yeah I'm sure Dina would be proud of you too..."
Eren spat back
"Having a monkey-man as a son is definitely a life goal for every mother. That's why she was always smiling in her Titan form."

"May I remind you that her smile took away your smile when she ate your mother and Hannes?"
Zeke actually smirked while saying that

The other Jaeger brother took a deep breath to calm down, his gaze sharp and dangerous
"I'm not surprised father didn't love you as much as he loved me."

The tension between Eren and Zeke hung heavy in the air, creating an uneasy atmosphere. As you stood there, caught in the middle of their heated exchange, you felt a sense of urgency to diffuse the situation.

"Guys, come on!" you interjected, your voice trembling slightly.
"We're about to make history here and you two think it's a good time to argue like little kids?
We're here for a reason, let's focus on that."

Eren met your gaze, his expression softening as he let out a sigh.
"Yeah... right..." he admitted, his voice laced with remorse.
"But if this Pisshair dude is talking shit again then I will kill him with no hesitation..."

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