Love language #2: words of affirmation🎀

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There is a slight occurrence of 💔 that has nightmares and a decline of mental health(slight) but otherwise should
be okay 🫶🫶

George replayed the same two to three seconds, narrowing his eyes at the screen, seeing the girl kissing Dreams smiley mask in the Everest music video. "Dumb kiss really, she'll never know I actually kiss what's behind the mask" he furrowed his eyebrows, glaring at the girl. George wasn't jealous, that's stupid, he'd never be jealous of people who were acting, but it made his blood boil when he watched Amouranth push Dream down on the couch and lean over him. George remembered watching that when they were filming, the evil smile coming from Sapnap directed towards George was shit eating at best. However, it wasn't Sapnap that George was drilling jealous eyes into, it was Amo. Sure, George had never done that to his boyfriend, push him down and give off the body language of a flirtatious posture like some sort of maniac, but damn he wishes he did so that Dream could see that George didn't need a tight red dress to be hot.

he knew it was all acting and that the girl was actually extremely sweet, but she had the tendency to call Dream honey which the blond reciprocated. George knew it was all platonic, friends called each other honey sometimes, but he found himself worrying sometimes during recording with how close Dream and Amo seemed to be, like they were old friends. Since Dream and George hadn't announced their relationship yet, they couldn't really act all lovey dovey in public which George never had a problem with, but sometimes he wishes he could cut through one of the twos conversations and kiss Dream on the lips just to show the red head what his property was. However, he stayed put, and tried to ignore the cause. After filming for the music video was done, George had to watch these scenes nearly four times. Once, was when they were all watching the premiere together, and then he had to rewatch the scenes three times on a stream.

It was easy to huff out a laugh or roll his eyes at the girl kissing Dreams mask, but his fans were practically licensed detectives, and immediately noticed how stiff George's laugh was and how still his body language was while watching it which suggested how uncomfortable and jealous he really was. But really, who wouldn't be? Amo was a very pretty girl and was so kind to everyone around her, she was everything someone would want in a person from head to toe. It got George to start doubting himself sometimes. What if Dream started loosing feelings for George after spending so much time with Amo? What if she was unintentionally turning the boy straight? The thought made a chill run through George, Dream dumping him for a girl? Not preferred, but entirely likely.

He started picking out certain behaviors in Dream after they had returned home that he either never noticed before or had just started occurring. First off, Dream only ever called George by his name, not like he did with Amouranth. He called her honey meanwhile George was just George. It was a small thing that probably shouldn't bother him but he found himself wanting something he never thought he'd wanted. He actually wanted Dream to call him a pet name. Just one would suffice George over for now, just a single one, but it was always George. Not only that, but Dream was spending less and less time around the brunet, more time cooped up in his office doing god knows what. George didn't want to be a helicopter boyfriend, but after seeing that Dream was barely coming to bed and appearing exhausted in the mornings, he started to not only feel lonely, but sad for the other.

George needed to do something about this, Dream was his other half, his soul mate, he needed to make him happy again, but George had needs he needed tended to as well. George didn't want to put Dream over everything but he couldn't help doing as much as he could for the other. He started exclusively doing Dreams laundry only, which Sapnap obviously started to get annoyed by, he started learning how to cook food just to bring it to him in his office, and even did all the chores and things that Dream would always hate doing. Dream expressed that he appreciated George's help, especially feeling happy that George was recognizing he was just really busy and helping him out, which made George blush red with a smile, pulling Dream into a hug. However, it may have been enough to soothe the day, but otherwise, George was still jealous and alone.

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