Little fidgets🎀

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You may want to skip ahead to some of my more recent one shots because my writing style has changed, but you can start from this one if you want!❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️


Tap, tap, bonk, tap

George looked up, but then back to his laptop.

Ruffle, tap, tap, sigh

George laughed, watching as Dream fidgeted with his fingers, tapping them on the wall; ruffling his hair and bouncing his leg. George knew this was his way of saying that he needed attention, well, attention was the only way that George didn't hear repetitive tapping.

Knock, tap, tap, tap.

"Oh my god! When are you going to be done!" Dream asked, George laughing at his impatience. Dream would always get like this when George was preoccupied with something other than Dream.

"I'm almost done, I have to upload this today Dream" he laughed, going back to his editing. Since he had met Dream, about a year ago, he found it instinct to call him Dream, not very accustomed to 'Clay' and continued to call him that, even after they started dating.

Dream looked away, fidgeting his leg into a more comfortable position, and continuing to tap against the wall, resting his back on the beds head board. George tried to stay focused, but found his attention leaking to the sounds that were being made in Dreams direction.

Pop, tap, tap, rustle

George sighed, looking up, "why don't you see what Sapnaps doing?" He asked, knowing that Dream was just itching to be able to move his legs after such a long period of time.

Dream practically sprung up at the offer "sure, want anything?" He asked.

George thought "yeah, maybe a Pepsi?" He asked.

Dream nodded, and walked out the room, George sighing in relief. He loved Dreams little fidget moments, when he would make odd sounds, and bounce his legs, it looked cute. Sometimes, he did need to focus though, and it was difficult. George didn't mind it though, giving Dream attention was a temporary stop to the noises, but it was never enough.

George continued editing the video, adding subtitles and smiling, with a blush as he heard him, Sapnap, and Dream laugh in the video, more so Dream. He had such a unique laugh, and it was dangerously contagious.

They had filmed for more than two hours, some stupid idea that Sapnap had, Minecraft but water is replaced with acid. George remembered dying a lot, and hated Sapnap punching him in repeatedly. It was all in good fun, but he was tired by the end and accidentally slept a bit too long, pushing aside the editing.

George heard someone come in the room, looking up and seeing Dream, with a happy smile, handing out a Pepsi to George. "Sapnaps playing Valorant with Punz, he blamed me when he died twice" Dream laughed, rolling his eyes.

George look the bottle, readjusting the light pink, wide glasses on his face "he's such a sore loser" George rolled his eyes. He never usually wore his glasses, they were mostly for reading or editing, so he never really wore them. Dream always said that they looked cute on him, George reluctantly wanting to wear them more often after that.

Dream sat in his gaming chair, leaning close to George, who was on the bed "are you almost done?" He asked, peaking over at the screen.

George took a sip of the Pepsi, and placed it on Dreams desk before going back to his laptop "almost, just need to make a few cuts and zooms, then it'll be... at least halfway done"

"Ugghhhhh" Dream slouched down in the chair "how long is this going to take..." he mumbled, looking bored.

George didn't look away from the screen "you're such an idiot" he laughed.

Dream fidgeted with the chair, tugging at the arm wrest and bouncing his leg. George suppressed a smile, he looked adorable when he was bored, making that dumb expression.

George finished his editing in around three hours, looking up at Dream who was on his phone, smacking his tongue against his mouth, making one of his odd noises. Pop, pop.

"Dream, I'm done" George announced, reaching over at the charger and plugging in the laptop, noticing Dreams eyes light up like a dog who had just been offered a treat.

"Really!? Finally!" He yelled, looking tired, as if he did all the editing. Dream looked up, twitching his hand. George laughed, grabbing his twitching hand, this was how they communicated. George was never good with words, hence why he loved Dreams little noises and movements.

Dream would always twitch his hand, as a way to tell George that he was attention deprived, and George loved it, he loved being his battery, feeling so important to another person like he was their charger.

Dream stood up, and sat on the bed, hugging George. George lifted his hand to Dreams hair, messing and twirling the blond strands. He adored it, it looked dusty blond at times, other it looked darker, like a faded brunette, it was odd, and interesting to see the shades change in the lighting.

Dream sat back, allowing George to wrap his arms around him, and cuddle into his chest. George felt a wave of tiredness, having edited for so long, his energy and focus was drained.

Dream placed many kisses on George's fluffy brown hair, George feeling Dreams warm breath as he smelt George's hair. He occasionally did that, and George didn't mind, he liked smelling things as well, like Dreams hair, his sweaters, and candles.

George scooted up, digging his face away into the crook of Dreams neck, liking that the dark blue LEDs weren't adding too much light, since he felt he could melt and fall asleep then and there.

Dream gave George a long kiss on his forehead, his way of saying I love you without words. George relaxed his nerves, letting out a sigh as he felt his sleep engulf him, smiling, knowing that Dream would still be there after he woke up.

982 words

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