My emo boy🎀

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Tw, bullying, talks about cutting but no actual cutting.

George walked over to the school bench, sitting down and pulling out a book, seeing all the boys in the yard playing
soccer together. He sighed, he worried about himself sometimes, he was different.

He listened as people walked in front of him, whispering and turning away to not look at him, like he was a
rat enrolling in the school. He knew exactly why they were whispering and giggling, because he liked to wear
different things.

He didn't like basket ball shorts or t-shirts. He liked black sweaters, and black skinny jeans. He liked wearing silver
rings and enjoyed the accessories like chains, bracelets, and necklaces. Kids in the school spread rumors about him,
saying he killed kittens in the forest and drank their blood, the rumors almost getting a laugh out of him.

It was funny seeing everyone think he was some sort of freak, it had some advantages. People were scared of him, saying
he summoned demons and what not. So what if he liked watching serial killer documentaries, and watching horror movies,
he just liked the genre. It's not like he was a murderer, at least, that's what everyone thought he was.

The only disadvantage of his style, was fear. There was a boy, his name being Clay. He wasn't the most popular in
the school, but he was very well known on campus. His sharp jawline, his bright green eyes, and his fluffy dirty
blond hair is partially what made George fall in love quite quickly. But he would never have a chance with him.

Every time George was around him, Clay would run off and look a bit frightened. It hurt George to know that someone
he liked so much, was afraid of him. He would avoid him and become jumpy and scared when he was around.

George wasn't even that bad, Clay wasn't scared of the weird kids who came to school with vampire teeth and red
contact lenses to seem cool, but he was scared of someone who wore gothic things? George wasn't even emo, he
was a regular kid who just so happened to like accessories.

George looked up, seeing Clay walking by with a few friends. Once they made eye contact, Clay looked frightened
and moved away, standing on the other side of Nick as they walked.

George rolled his eyes, he found the best way to get over his crush, was to forget he even had one. But it's hard
to forget something as big as this overnight.

George heard the final bell ring, gathering his things and going to the bus stop. He put on some headphones and
listened to some music, heading on the bus and sitting in the back.

His volume was quite low, him hearing every word everyone was whispering about as they gave him weird side
looks. "That's what happens when you are desperate for attention, he's practically begging for us to talk about
him" a woman said to her, probably husband.

George looked out the window, he wasn't as deaf as people thought he was. "That boy in the back looks like
he drinks rats blood, you know, emo stuff like cutting their wrists" a woman said, as she pretended to cut her
wrists with her fingers, her friends giggling.

George turned up his volume. If he couldn't hear it, it wasn't being said.

When he finally made it to his house, he walked up to his front door and saw his mother jump at the sound of
the door closing "oh, hey sweetie, how was school?" She asked, putting things in her purse. She was probably
getting ready for work, as she always does when George gets home.

George started walking up to his room "same as always" he said casually. He went up to his room and closed
the door, putting his bag aside. He knew his mother was worried about him, constantly taking him to therapists
to wonder why he wore stuff like this, it was almost worrying to George of why everyone was so weird to him, was
wearing a color such a big deal?

He put all that aside him, and brought out his homework. He was doing average in school, mostly Bs and one A
in history. He was just glad he wasn't failing. While doing his work, his mind trailed to Clay, the boy who he had
a crush on for months now, probably up to a year already.

He started to sketch Clays face on a separate piece of paper, making sure to add all the nice details of his hair.
He was at least trying to get over Clay, but it became harder the more he was around him.

George stood up, and walked out his room, he needed a drink or something to help him think. He made his way
down the stairs, going to the fridge and opening it up, grabbing himself a water and turning around, bumping
into someone.

He looked up and saw Clay, the two backing up in panic. Karl came down the stairs quickly "hey Clay you read-"
He looked between the two who were looking at each other in confusion, "oh! George! I forgot to mention
I was bringing Clay over to hang out and work on some homework, we were just going to Nicks house to
get him his notes back" Karl explained, George trying to stay calm as his crush was literally two feet away.

He brushed past the two, making Clay flinch a bit "okay, whatever, just be back before late" George said softly,
making his way upstairs. Karl, his cousin, never told him when he had friends over, he always found out the hard

Halfway up the stairs, he stopped, hearing a voice. "Your cousin.. I don't have the words.." Clays voice said
quietly, George frowning.

"Yeah.. he's like that, don't worry, he's nicer when you know him." He could practically hear Karl's smile in his
words "he's just.. how do I say this.. unique?"

Both of them paused, Clay speaking up first "I guess.." Clay said, as they made their way to the front door, George
hearing Karl yell they were leaving and confirming by closing the door.

George sighed as he made his way up to his room, putting his water on his table. His whole issue would only get
harder the more days went by.

George looked over at his guitar, smiling as he sat down on his bed and unzipped it from its case, tuning the
strings. He would never get to practice, he used to practice in the music rooms in the school, but someone would
always walk in and make him embarrassed, so he played when no one was home.

He even sometimes sung some songs while he played, it being a sort of source of entertainment.


George played one of his favorite songs, singing quietly to himself and slowly getting louder the more
he played. He smiled as he sung, enjoying his time alone. He cherished his alone time, it was like a break from
the daily social contact.

"Bésame, bésame mucho.. como si fuera èsta noche la última vez" he sung with a nice rhythm. He enjoyed
songs in other languages, especially Spanish.

Before he could continue, someone came in his room, startling him a bit as he thought no one was home. Clay
was there, his face a little red "hey.. um, Karl said that you had extra pencils?" He asked, George setting aside his
guitar, how long had he been listening?

George stood up, opening his drawer and giving Clay three mechanical pencils "just.. take it.." he mumbled, Clay
taking the pencils and leaving. Before he left, he stopped at the door, looking back.

"Um.. you sound nice by the way.. your voice is very nice" he smiled, George's cheeks heating up quickly at
the sudden compliment. Clay must've noticed because he smiled "and.. you're quite good at the guitar, better than
I could ever be" he laughed a bit, before leaving the room.

George froze in his room, was he complimenting him? Was that flirting? No, he was just being nice. George held
his face in his hands, calming himself down. Him getting worked up about this stupid compliment really proved to
him that he was doomed.

Songs from coco, bésame mucho. Btw, I didn't spell check, so tell me if there are any
errors :p


1417 words

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