Sleeping beauty💔🎀

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    George slowly walked out from behind the doorframe, his expression blank as he went into the large room, tears in his eyes as he walked towards the bed in the middle of the room. His eyes to the floor with nothing but regret and sorrow, two things he swore he'd never feel again. However, as his eyes raised up to the beauty before him, he felt nothing but it. His eyes traced the boys soft, peppered freckles, reminding him of the night sky every time he saw them. Then to his soft lips that lay closed in his sleep. Then to his eyes, closed delicately and softly in a peaceful manner.

    George felt only more tears grow in his eyes, he tried so hard to save him, but he was too late. He wanted to go back, way back all that time ago to when he first bestowed his unbreakable curse onto the boy before him. He hated his past self, so enraged by anger and so blinded by the idea of vengeance that he managed to curse an innocent prince who didn't do anything to start this battle. So as George's eyes laid upon the sleeping prince before him, he spoke delicately and softly, not wanting to disturb the boy of his eternal sleep.

    "I do not ask for your forgiveness.." he said in a low voice, almost like a whisper. "For what I have done to you is the most unforgivable.." He said, bringing his hand to the blonde princes, which lied on his stomach. He felt the boy breathing beneath him, in his long rest that he shall never awaken from. "I was so blinded by my own hatred.. I wanted only pain brought to you and your family.." He whispered, feeling a tear run down his face as he eyed Dreams peaceful expression. So much regret, so many memories of the boy before him. He was a saint, loved by all humans and creatures he met. "Dream.." George whispered out, so disappointed and ashamed of himself to bare this burden of a curse. "You stole what was left of my heart.." he said lightly.

    George watched as Dreams expression lay unchanged, so deep in his own sleep that he couldn't see how far George was reaching for him. George was so angry, so sad, so exhausted from being so close to saving the only one he ever loved, only for him to be too late. Only for him to stand before the biggest mistake of his life, a prince under a horrible curse that George had brought upon him. "And now I've lost you forever.." His voice was so filled with pain and loss that he couldn't even try and hold back his tears. "I swear.." George said, his heart hurting so much, the hole in it only growing, never to be filled by anyone again. "No harm will come to you as long as I live.." George stated, with so much promise and urgency in his voice. For he knew that the only person who could've ever had the heart to hurt Dream would be George himself.

    "And I promise.." he continued, "that not a day will pass where I don't miss your smile.." George's tears wouldn't stop coming, his soul wouldn't stop crying. As his eyes lay before the beauty in front of him, he thought about the days where he first realized what love meant, what love could be to him. Those days were only filled with moments of pure joy with Dream, so many tears shed when he found out how awful George really was, how much pain he bestowed upon Dream.

    George had fallen so deeply in love with the beauty before him that seeing him go made him realize just how much he regretted his actions, how much he wanted to see Dream smile, how much he wanted to hear his voice ramble on about nonsense. George wanted his prince back.

    George slowly bent down, sliding his hand to the sleeping boys face, cupping his cheek as he observed every small detail of his gorgeous face. He moved closer, closing his eyes as he connected their lips slowly, only two more tears pushing out his eyes as he gave the prince his last kiss, showing him that not only was Dream the only thing George had ever loved, but the only thing George had ever wanted to love. And now he was gone because of George's rage induced curse, a curse in which he'd regret for the rest of his days.

    He pulled away from the sleeping boy before him, standing up fully as he looked down at the prince he learned to love so easily. The prince who healed his injured heart, filled his empty will, and fixed his broken soul. George closed his eyes, holding onto Dreams hand with his promise, he would protect him for as long as he should live.

    "hello angel.." George's eyes opened slowly at the sound of the princes thick American accent. His eyes slowly met with that of the sleeping beauty's. Dream slowly turned his expression into a bright smile, the one in which George had always noticed to be something so special.

    George gasped lightly, covering his mouth as he smiled, more tears rushing out his eyes as the prince stared up at him not as the monster that everyone feared, but as the stunning boy he was. George smiled so brightly as he bent down, cupping the aside of Dreams face again as
the boy looked up to him with tears welling in his eyes as well. "Hello beastie.." George said with a blush across his face. Dream smiled brightly, giggling softly like he had always done.

    The princes hand raised to the brunettes face, both of them drawing closer into a long, passionate kiss. George cursed Dream to awaken from true loves kiss, believing there was no such thing as pure unconditional true love. But he couldn't deny the feeling welling in his stomach when his and Dreams lips connected. True love existed in one place, and that was in the sleeping beauty's smile.

God I love maleficent. If you haven't guessed yet, this chapter was based off of the story of sleeping beauty, or, Maleficent!!! Which is one of my favorite movies everrr!!! Did I stay up way later than I needed to writing? Yes. Do I regret it? No, no I do not 😌


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