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Dream and Sapnap walked through the packed halls of their school, occasionally brushing shoulders with people as they
went along, "wonder what we're having for dinner.. maybe we'll get to order take out again.." Dream muttered to himself, as
they turned the corner, "ew, it's the fucking weird kids.. when's someone going to tell them not to bark and meow in public.."
he whispered.

"Dream" Sapnap said, Dream looking over, "you're doing it again" he said with a smile.

Dream rolled his eyes, "you know I can't help it Sap, it's not my fault" Dream said, making the raven chuckle.

"I swear, sometimes you do it on purpose. Like at my grandmothers funeral" he said, eyeing Dream.

Dream rolled his eyes, "okay, I was promised cake and breadsticks, and you didn't even know your grandmothers name so
don't even start" Dream said, looking away, as he adjusted his backpack sling.

Sapnap scoffed, "of course I do! It's uh.. n-.. it's.."


"Annie! See" Sapnap smiled proudly.

Dream sighed, "yeah whatever Sapnap, you have to be used to it by now" Dream said, looking away, "at the same time
Sapnaps kind of an idiot so I don't expect much from him.. wonder what he got on his science test, knowing him, probably
lower than forty perce-" he was smacked by Sapnaps binder, "ow! Why!" He yelled.

Sapnap rolled his eyes, "I'm not an idiot Dream, I'm going to my next class, you can go fuck yourself" Sapnap said, turning
away down the hall, giving Dream the double middle finger as he walked off. Dream chuckled and shook his head.

"Sorry sap, but you gotta admit, it's kinda true.." He mumbled, if you haven't guessed already. Dream was a special little
human, no, he wasn't like, special in a retarded way. He was cursed, well that's not the right word for it, he was.. unfortunate.

"Hey Dream? Could I ask a favor?" Dream turned around, looking down slightly at the brunette boy who just walked up
to him with a bright smile, "I had forgotten to take notes for Mrs.Puffys history class and I was wondering if you did as well,
and if I could borrow them for a day or two" he asked.

Dream looked at the boy silently, "you'd think after knowing him for four years I would be more normal around him but he
still never fails to make my heart race when he's around.." Dream whispered.

"Um.. what?" George asked, his cheeks going a bit red.

Dreams eyes went wide, "no- I- I meant that- I'm scared of you" he paused, "no! I'm not like scared of you- you aren't scary
looking at all, you're beautiful but-" he paused again, Georgie's cheeks going more blushed up "I-I mean, you're not like
beautiful- you're ugly- wait no- sorry.. uh yes, here" Dream handed over his notes for Mrs.Puffys history class, George
taking them slowly.

"Th-thank you.." he said, looking up, with a dumb smile.

Dream looked away, "god why are you such an idiot sometimes.." Dream whispered.

"Excuse me?" George asked.

"Huh? Oh no- n-not you!" He laughed, "you're really smart-.. no wait, you're normal" he said, stiffening up "you're a normal
person George" he said, his face a bit red.

George laughed lightly "you're funny Dream" he said, looking up at the blushing blonde.

He looked away, "yeah, god compliments from him seem so much more meaningful.." George raised his eyebrow, Dream
breathing in hard, "I... I'm just gonna go-" he said, backing up and nearly tripping over the janitors carts, he reassessed his
balance and blushed red, backing up, running off before his mouth could do or say anymore.

He ran past Sapnap leaning against a locker, Dream stumbling through the hallway, "that was so painful to watch." He said,
rolling his eyes. Dream looked away, his face even redder.

"Could you go fuck up someone else's day?" He said, giving him an annoyed look.

Sapnap laughed, "sure, seems you've got that covered for yourself" he folded his arms, leading the way to their class.

How do you like my au where Dream says everything he thinks? This was 100% inspired by Blurt, a
Nickelodeon movie with Jace Norman in it, feel free to take the idea since it isn't mine :D

Any spelling errors, let me know <3


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