Never celebrated Christmas..🎀

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This is a Christmas special!!! Dream and George will be friends at around 12-13 years old.
George's parents had always fought and he had never celebrated Christmas before, his life
always being terrible. But when his mother abandoned him and his father, and his father
went to jail, he was left to a foster home, where his friend Dream practically begged his parents
to let him stay at their house, who agreed shortly after. Now the two got to spend all their
A time together.


George looked up at the bottom side of the top bunk bed, he wasn't tired enough to fall asleep, especially
since downstairs in the morning there would be a ton of gifts and presents with his name on them. He rolled
around a few times and tried to get himself comfortable enough to sleep, but never found even a second
of dreams.

Speaking of Dreams, his blonde friends upside down head came from the top bunk, looking down at
George with a energetic, bright smile "you awake?" He asked, looking like he'd been having some trouble
sleeping as well.

George rolled onto his back, looking up at his friend "yeah" he quietly giggled "can't sleep knowing there
may be one or even more Harry Potter books down there" he said quietly, ecstatic.

Dream quietly wheezed, his hair falling down because of his upside down position to see George "you're such
a geek"

George sat up and grabbed his blue pillow, chucking it up to Dream who quickly caught it with his fast
reflexes "you're not getting this back" he smiled, as he disappeared from the edge.

George groaned, now he had only two pillows. He didn't let it bother him though, as he stared up at
Dreams bed, smiling to himself "Do you think there is going to be a lot of stuff down there?" George smiled.

Dreams upside down head appeared again from his bed, George didn't want to admit it, but it was kind
of adorable how he would sit there upside down to talk to him "maybe, I hope my crushes phone number
is in one of the boxes, that would be epic, and a note saying they loved me" Dream closed his eyes, George's
smile falling down as his face muscles relaxed.

Well, George wanted more than just gifts for Christmas, as he looked up at his blonde friend he thought about
the day he brought him to his house, their house. He was so energetic and funny, and sharing a room together
they became very close, George slowly gaining a very embarrassing crush on the boy.

Dreams head disappeared again, probably laying back on his pillows, George did the same, closing
his eyes and hoping he could be taken away into a dream land where toast had wings or something.

As he tried his best to sleep, his mind raced and he found the quiet a little too loud, unsettling him as
he went back to a dark place, somewhere he hoped never to be again.

[a little bit of talk about loud voices and yelling, but it'll be over after this font is back to this one]

George opened his eyes slightly and glanced over at his window, seeing the orange light gleaming through
the blinds as the sunrise showed. He pushed himself out of bed, excited for what could be laying downstairs
waiting for him.

He went to the bathroom, fixing his hair and brushing his teeth quickly, hurrying a bit as he looked down
at his plaid red and black pants, and his baggy white T-shirt he put on for pajamas the night before. He figured
the clothes he had on were fine for the morning.

He made his way downstairs, slowly stepping down as he crossed his fingers like he did every Christmas.
"Maybe it'll happen this year.." he mumbled to himself as he slowly opened his eyes and looked around the
living room and kitchen, as usual. No tree, no presents, and no family.

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