Only his, and only mine🎀

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Tws. Blood, murder, and cringy flirting 💞 I honestly don't know what to label this XD. fluff? Lime?
would this be ansgt? I'll let you decide :)

George didn't know how he found himself in this situation, leaning against a bar counter, in a gay bar, watching his
raven haired friend in the corner of the bar, try and flirt with this guy he said he met at the bar. He somehow
convinced George and Dream to come and wingman him in case the twos conversation grew dry, somewhat

George held a water in his hand, he did occasionally drink, however, he really didn't want to get drunk in a place
like this, especially since he was already dating Dream, who didn't drink by the way. He sighed, closing his eyes.
"Can we just go home." George said, looking away as the blonde rested against the counter as well, his arms folded
in front of his chest.

Dream chuckled, "you know what'll happen when we get home. Sapnap will get back at a ridiculous time, interrupt
our cuddle time, and rant about how we should've been there to help him when he doesn't even fucking need it" he
laughed lightly, looking at his raven haired friend make a flirtatious comment, the shy looking brunette in front of
him blushing with a wide smile, "he's a smooth mother fucker, like he needs our help" he said, as he shrugged.

George looked up, with a smirk, "can't say the same for you" he said, the blonde looking over, George expected an
annoyed or embarrassed expression, however, the two both knew that Dream had swept George off his feet.

"Whatever helps you sleep George" he laughed.

The twos conversation was interrupted as Sapnap rushed over, looking panicked, "guys! K-.." he said, out of
breath "Karl wants to introduce me to his friend who brought him here, and I'm nervous.." he said, looking

George made a 'really?' face, "are you kidding? What's the big deal lover boy?" He asked.

Sapnap looked up at him again, "um.. what if his friends don't approve of me.. a-and they tell Karl to stay away from
me.." he said, looking down at the ground.

Dream reached over, and patted his shoulder, "you want me to come help you Sap?" He shook his head, "you and your
introvertism.." he smiled.

Sapnap looked up, his eyes sparkling, "you'd really do that! Sick! They're outside at Karl's car, don't be too long" he
said, running off towards the mostly glass door that separated the dark sky from the bar.

George looked up at Dream, "how long will you be gone?" He asked, unsteadily.

Dream chuckled, placing his hand on the boys head, "only a few minutes darling, you'll be okay" Dream said, his
eyes fixated on George's as he said the last part with seriousness, George nodded his head.

George watched as the blonde left, making George exhale lightly, "should've gone with him, should've gone with him,
should've gone with him, should've gone with him" he repeated in his head, looking around the room, the bright
multicolored lights, (at least a little multicolored to him), making it hard to see certain things in front of himself.

"Hey beautiful" George turned around, seeing a guy with a slight stubble beard, and deep black hair. The guy had
a lot of jewelry on, and just about every inch of his left ear was pierced, while the other was just slightly.

George backed up, and looked away, "goddam it.." he said in his mind, "I've attracted a weirdo.." he said, closing
his eyes.

The guy laughed, "what's the problem baby? Am I too hot to look at?" He asked, running a hand through his hair.

George looked back at the guy with an annoyed expression, pressing his eyebrows together as much as he could.
"Actually no, I was contemplating running or kicking you in the nuts.." he said, well, that was partly true.

The guy laughed, "feisty and beautiful, I've caught myself a rare one.." he said, as he stepped forward, placing his
hands in his jeans pockets. "My names Jackson, what's yours?" He asked, eyeing the boys figure.

"Ugh, I knew I shouldn't have worn skinny jeans.." he shook his head, "um.. George" he said quietly, when's Dream
coming back?

Jackson licked his lips, "wanna get out of here?" He asked, George feeling a bit of disgust run through him.

"Um.. sorry, I'm taken" he said, closing his eyes, hopefully that would get this guy off his back.

Jackson chuckled, "you're taken? No chance" he said, "not to be rude pretty boy" he said, with a smirk, as he swiped
a bit of George's brunette hair away from his eyes. "Someone who's taken doesnt stand alone at the counter of a
gay bar looking like a hot piece of ass" he said, his eyes scanning over George again.

George would never admit this to the blonde, but George considered himself Dreams and Dreams only. Only Dreams
eyes could scan his body like that, only Dream could talk to him in a seductive tone that his legs became weak at.
Not this Jackson guy.

George closed his eyes, tilting his head down, "fine.." he muttered, looking up to see Jackson surprised, like he
didn't expect it to be that easy,

"Shit, alright" he chuckled. He pointed behind himself using his thumb, "bathrooms free sweetheart" he said, George
biting back a gag.

The walk to the bathroom was silent, George's eyes closed the entire time, his eyebrows pushed together as his hands
lay in front of himself. George's back was against the wooden, now locked bathroom door, looking up at the raven
with his arms folded, watching as the boy leaned close, and reached his hand down towards George's belt.

George closed his eyes, and felt his belt pop open, before it stopped, Jackson stopped coming forward. George opened
his eyes to look up and see Dreams dark green eyes looking down at Jackson with a cold stare. Blood splattered onto
Dreams neck and cheek, George looking up at Jackson, seeing a sharp blade stuck in his neck. His eyes rolled back,
as his body fell backwards.

George looked up at Dream as the boys green eyes stayed on Jackson's body, "I told you to be less messy.." George
said, as he leaned forward, "you've got it all over your neck.." he said, as he licked up the blood on Dreams neck,
tasting the thick liquids.

Dream chuckled as George pulled back, "you're so cute" he said, as he moved part of George's hair away from his
eyes, making the brunette blush, what are the chances a cannibal meets a murderer? And falls in love.

Okay, I'm sorry, but cannibal!George and murderer!Dream is like cute.. am I weird?? IT JUST SEEMS

1134 words

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