I bloom for you💔

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TW: blood :3

Dream listened with a bright smile as his best friend, George, laughed and punched Sapnaps digital character, causing
them to fight. Dream just rolled his eyes and watched as they ran around the community house, "Dream stop him!" The
brunette shouted, Sapnap firing flame arrows at him, causing George to jump into the water, the other following.

Dream wheezed lightly, "what do you want me to do?" He asked, out of breath from laughing.

"Kill him!" George exclaimed, throwing an ender pearl far away, Sapnap following as well, screaming for George
to accept death.

"You hit me first George!" Sapnap smiled brightly, hitting George with his axe as George ran away screeching.

Dream watched them run away on the cube flooring, taking his hands off his keyboard and mouse, hearing George
continue to scream at Sapnap. Dream looked down at his desk, George was coming to America soon and it was a huge
secret from the fans, and Dream just couldn't wait. However, there was a tiny problem with George coming to America.
Well, it's not tiny at all, it's a huge problem. As Dream even thought about it, he coughed, closing his mouth, covering
it with his hand. He went into a coughing fit, looking down at his hand afterwards to see a light pink/white petal in
his hand, covered in blood. He sighed, muting his mic and standing from his desk, going to his bathroom where he
turned on his sink and ran his hand underneath the water. The petal washed away, and he looked up at himself in
the mirror, running a hand through his hair. Let me introduce you to Dreams problem.

Dream was down bad, he'd fallen so hard for George that he failed to even think about a flaw in him. Everything from
his looks to his humor, from his smile to his sweet voice, everything about him was so infatuating to Dream. He's wanted
to date him since the first day he met him, but his heart always ran cold when the other couldn't do something as small
as telling him he loved him. Dream understood, he understood why George didn't do that, and he was patient, but
patience turned into Dream just being a tool. George used him like one too, only ever speaking or showing affection when
he wanted something, and Dream waited, he waited years for George, like a tool.

Dream turned the bathroom light off and walked out the room, entering his office where he saw on the screen,
'Georgenotfound was slain by Sapnap' three times in the chat. Dream placed his headphones on his head, hearing George
screaming at Sapnap for him to give him his stuff back, yelling for Dream to force Sapnap to do it, like he was a tool.
And Dream reluctantly did as he said, killing Sapnap and giving George his stuff back, and George ran off without
even thanking him. Dream sighed lightly, the noise not being picked up by the microphone, he was a tool.

He hoped that one day George would realize how much Dream actually did for him, but the affection seemed to go
in one ear and out the other with George, that's okay though, because Dream was patient. He'd been suffering from
hanahaki for nearly a few months now, he wasn't sure why it was still around, usually it killed the victim quickly, or
at least Dream thought. But it gradually got worse, the blonde waking up in the morning with blood stains on his
pillows, flowers scattered around him. He'd thrown up way too many times just in this week, and he always felt
so sickly and painful whenever George ignored something he did.

Then, 'GeorgeNotFound was slain by Sapnap'. "Dream! Help me! He's killing me and taking my stuff!" George exclaimed,
Dream sighing, just about to do as he asked before he stopped. Dream took his hands off of his keyboard and folded them
against his chest.

"Do it yourself George" He stated, his heart hurting by the groan George let out. The brunet tried and failed to kill
Sapnap, and the blond just watched. Dream was so sick of hurting and being a literal tool for George, he understood
that George struggled with emotions, but that is no excuse for putting Dream through this. Dream scowled, George didn't
have an excuse for not even asking if Dream was okay either. George heard the coughing fits over calls, and did absolutely
nothing to even ask if the blond was alright. Still, Dreams heart ran to the brunet, clinging to him no matter how much
Dream pulled it away.

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