Binded by a curse🎀

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THIS IS A FANTASY AU, SO- their elf's :P

Dream sat with his forearms along his knees, his back against the light stone behind him that held up a large,
intimidating statue of a fierce dragon, the only color on the large statue being it's glowing emerald stone eyes. He
looked over at his wrist, it was still there.

The thick looking transparent chain still sat locked to the locket around his wrist, the long chain connected to the
large statues ankle, the transparent chain glowing itself to only his eyes. It was a dark cloudy morning, it had rained
the night before, much to his dismay, he didn't sleep, he never slept, he was burdened with the job of guarding the
eyes, the emerald, mystical eyes of the statue.

It was never by choice, with this job came a decision he was not aloud to decide, he was a prisoner of the dragons
punishment. Well, more a prisoner of the kings punishment. Dream wasn't very popular in the eyes of the regal law,
ApPaReNtLy killing most of the kingdom and putting the kings power at risk of most his land, made him a class 3
criminal. What even was a class for a criminal?

He was never told, why he wasn't put to death he doesn't know that either, maybe the king liked his face, did he really
get out of a death sentence because of his looks?

It was ridiculous, he knew that, but his creative mind was the only thing that could entertain him as he was stuck
to a literal stone statue by a invisible thick chain and lock, yet he could see it. the king wasn't as sly as he thought he was.

Many people and creatures from far lands would come to Dreams statue in the hopes of taking the emerald stone that
rests in its eyes, however, Dreams job was to dispose of those types of ambitions. The emerald stone was a cage, kind of
like Dreams punishment. Whoever held the stone with dangerous intentions, would break out the dragon from its stone
capsule, and they would be able to command it at will. Dream was pretty certain he wouldn't want to be chained by the
wrist to a massive certain death animal with large teeth, so he decided to protect the stone.

Why he didn't use the stone for himself? Well, boredom. He was bored, why do you think he committed those crimes?
he was bored of his life, sure, being a elf was cool and all, but living for like, thousands of years gets boring after the
four hundredth.

Dream had seen it all, greedy goblins, persistent bandits, rude travelers, egotistical witches and wizards, he had
struck them all down as is his job, yet, defeating any foe who came to take the emerald eye became boring too, nothing
seemed to entertain him anymore as even without the chain, he was just as bored. It sometimes seemed like he and
the dragon weren't so different.

His thoughts were cut out when he heard the sound of crunchy leaves being stepped on, he stood up, looking around
with his serious green eyes, "great, who's it this time?"

He spotted a face amongst the bushes, that face tumbling around those bushes making its way closer to Dreams
statue, Dream then observed, "an elf.." just like him.

The elf had a green hood covered most their head, but visible brown hair was poking out the end of it, along with a pair
of hopeful, curious brown eyes, but was most curious about this elf, was that their belt had a skirt that covered their
sides of their hip and the back, they also had dark brown pants and dark brown boots that matched their hood. They
didn't look like they were from the main islands, but way farther out, their necklace wasn't like a rock Dream had seen,
their rings and bracelets the same.

Dream became annoyed, yet another bratty girl that heard about the dragon tale and wanted some cool flying lizard
to fly around on, well, he better shut down her dreams before she actually decided to challenge Dream.
"Listen, this isn't a place for some bratty girl, go back to wherever you came from before you get some dirt
on you"

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