Chapter 15 - Just Like You 🌶️

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They finished their dinner and when they arrived home, Mia's emotions overpowered her and she couldn't stop herself. She bluntly asked him if he had ever raped anyone. Kirill was genuinely taken aback and felt like she slapped him across the face. Why was she asking all these questions today?

"What the fuck are you talking about?!" He raised his voice. He was deeply hurt and upset. He may have killed many men or cheated a criminal out of their share of drug money but he never hurt a woman. No, he didn't keep any of them around for long but he had never ever wanted or had any desire to cause pain to a woman.

He felt that everything was fair in his business but to abuse someone for fun was not who he was. He never tortured anyone too long, he made sure anyone who he was responsible for taking out died a quick death. Did he have sins? Yes, too many to count, and he repented in front of God and asked for forgiveness.

"I have to know, Kirill. Just tell me the truth. I won't let this go." Mia stood in the middle of his living room, feeling exhausted and wired at the same time. Kirill stared at her for the first time experiencing a negative feeling toward her. How could she think this about him, did he ever give her reason to think he was that kind of person?

"No. The answer is no. I have never abused a woman in my life." His voice was stern and calm but then he added,

"Why are you asking?"

She didn't know how to respond so she just sat down on the couch with her face in her palms. Tears started streaming down her face and she couldn't hold it back anymore, she broke down into sobs and her entire body shuddered. Kirill had never seen her cry like that before. He realized at this moment that they had never even fought the entire time they were together.

Again, he didn't know what to do. He was afraid she would reject him if he came to comfort her but he also couldn't bare to just leave her there crying by herself. He came up to her, moved the coffee table out of the way and sat down on the floor in front of her and waited for her to lift her face out of her palms. She was all red and looked downright distraught.

"Mia. If there is something that is on your mind or heart...tell me. I promise, whatever it is, we will work through it. Whatever it is." He spoke gently and reassuringly. She was silent for a long time and then said,

"I can't tell you. I can't tell you why I ask. I just need to know. I can't be with you if you've done that in the past. I don't know why, but this is where I draw the line. Even killing to me is not as bad as raping an innocent girl." And as she said the last two words, she broke down into tears again. Suddenly, she had a thought that ran through her head at the speed of light.

"Have you ever been with a woman who looked similar to me?" She asked with sudden energy, her face still red and puffy from all the tears she spilled that day. She looked him right in his big beautiful green eyes which were now filled with pain and uncertainty.

"No." He said without even thinking about it. "I've only been with girls who were your total opposites. I never wanted to be with anyone who looked similar to you because..." and he paused "I didn't want to ruin your image in my head."

She looked at him and all of a sudden her afternoon made perfect sense to her. A second away from her fears being proven she asked another question,

"Are you telling me the truth?"

Kirill was shocked to see her absolutely overcome with such profound doubts about him and in full on interrogation mode. He was dying to find out what could have possibly caused her to become like this but knew that she would shut down fully if he asked her what brought this on.

"Yes. I'm telling you the truth. I never lied to you." He responded but knew that was a lie. He almost never lied to her. He still had not told her who was responsible for Ari and at this point he was sure it would create a big rift between them.

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