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Hii... My dear sweeties😘😘

I miss you so much.. 😪😪😪

I was stress in for past few weeks and got sick, luckily, I'm on a hospital bed now😄
So i started to write some more...

I hope you're still with me 😃❤️


Wwx was sitting on a seat in the class, drooling at the wangji's beauty. His one hand on the table other supports his chin.
Wangji was reciting a poem to juniors who're sitting straight, unlike lan er furen, and taking it by heart.

Wangji's eyes shifted to wwx occasionally..
Seeing wwx in lan robes, especially in his outer robes.. He's also a man with desires. Who can blame him? He felt his body heat rises. He warned wwx many times not to come in classes but no matter what, he'll come there. He even got permission from his brother.. His brother, lan xichen, is not like before. He supports wwx more than him..

The worst thing is that if wwx got hard other will also- connection of emotion. Last time, wangji dragged him to jingshi in the middle of teaching, leaving all those juniors in confusion.
Thanks to their saviour, xichen continued the teaching where wangji stopped.

Seems like he has to send a message to his brother soon. But he doesn't know whether he returned from yunmeng or not...

Wwx's eyes flickered as he got other's state, smirked teasingly though Wangji tried to avoid it, he noticed it.

Everything went chill when a scream came from entrance..


Wwx almost jolted up from the seat, forgot their desire and said, " Here... Here.."

Juniors all stood up as master lan entered, bowed as they chorused ''Master lan '' in respect.  Just before he approached wwx, xichen along with jiang Cheng came inside.

Lan xichen dismissed the class and jiang cheng locked the door as they all got out.

Mean while...

Master lan came to wwx who was standing beside wangji, instantly held wangji's sleeves, thinking ' What did i do today? '

Wangji bowed politely said, " Uncle.." wwx did the same.

Lan qiren didn't pay any attention to anyone but wwx, " What are you doing here? "

Wwx, " I.. I want to see my husband. Sect leader lan already gave me the permission to go and see him anytime and in anywhere" stuttured a bit but finished.

Lan qiren curiously, " Where's your forehead ribbon?"

Wwx felt a bit off at his character, something is wrong. Lan xichen and his brother's sudden behaviour like sending off the juniors and even closing door, didn't give any good to him.

Did he do a grave mistake?

Wwx glanced at wangji who was also confused, looked back at him.


Lwj calmly, " Shouting is forbidden uncle"

wwx couldn't help but smile, showed his wrist where a forehead ribbon lazily tied up, "Here!"

"Why is it there?"

"This is where my husband tied it for me."

"Wangji.. Is that what i taught you?"

Lwj's ears reddened, " uncle, it also represents one's self restraint. " after a pause, "Weiying shouldn't restrain himself."

Wwx mumbled " Ofcourse if i do.  There's no everyday at any time."

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