Chapter 20

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Jiang Cheng came to Weiwuxian's room, knocked twice, but didn't open. called, "Weiwuxian!!".
The door wasn't locked, he entered in the room and looked around, frowned, thought,' where did he go this early?? '.
Weiwuxian sprang up from nowhere when jiang cheng came out of the room.

Jiangcheng scowled" Weiwuxian, where were you??"
Weiwuxian, "eh? Jiangcheng.. I was going to come to your room...
Jiangcheng," The one next to your room is mine. Did you forget that? "Raised his brow.

Weiwuxian innocently, "No. i went to Nie xiong now i was coming for you."
Jiangcheng didn't believe him entirely, "why did you go there? This early?"
Weiwuxian put his hand around
Jiangcheng's shoulder, convincingly,
" Jiangcheng..You knew that Master lan is not here and no classes. Then why should i kill my tongue with those bland foods, here. So, lets go out to caiyi town and You have to be ready before Nie xiong come for us", tapped his chest," Go.."
Jiangcheng nodded, "mm" left the place

Weiwuxian in relief,' that was close. now i have to find Nie xiong'

Caiyi town

Twin jades of gusu with some disciples walking elegantly through the crowd who made their way easy. Zewujun smiled at  their kindness while wangji kept his usual impassive face. Their admirers popped up from nowhere to see them together.Girls were drooling at their godly face, giggled sweetly to get their attention while wangji's eyes got stuck in a certain maiden who is blushing at his lover's words. He stopped in his track and glared at them which made zewujun to look at them as well. He smiled inwardly at his Didi's jealous stare.

Weiwuxian was flirting with a maiden, smiling brightly.Whispers and other noises made him to turn , only to meet those glaring eyes, gulped and smiled broadly, called "Lanzhan "as he was called, wangji averted his eyes.
His shout made Jiangcheng and Nie Huaisang to look at them too. They were in the nearby stall,walked towards them and bowed.
Weiwuxian &Jiangcheng , "Zewujun "
Nie Huaisang ," xichen ge"

Zewujun accepted it with a nod.
Wwx ," zewujun, sorry to interrupt you "
Zewujun smiled as he continued, "were you going somewhere?Any problem?  Not just a stroll right?", looked at his lover who was ignoring his glances.

Zewujun was becoming more and more suspicious about their relationship now, he could clearly see Weiwuxian was not here to speak with him but for wangji, spoke with a smile "yes weigonzi. We are here to check water spirits in bailing river, near this town."
Weiwuxian remembered wangji's mention about a nighthunt, said," oh..."after a thought, excitedly asked, "Can we come  and help you too, zewujun? It'll be our honor to assist you. I assure you that we'll be useful with our experience.

Jiangcheng brightly, "yes zewujun. We're familiar and dealt many times with such things since we're from yunmeng. We can help you if you allow us.."
Weiwuxian nodded in agreement while glanced at wangji occasionally.
Wangji stared at him, coldily,
"No. Need"

Weiwuxian annoyed with sudden rejection, frowned "eh! lan er gonzi, don't be rude", looking straightly at his eyes.
Zewujun could feel a tension , looked at his didi, then turned to them, "you can come with us."

Jiangcheng & Weiwuxian bowed, "Thank you Zewujun "
Zewujun asked, "Huaisang. Are you coming with us well??"
Nie Huaisang , "xichen ge I think its better for me to stay here and enjoy the view of this beautiful place." spoke as he fanned.

Zewujun knowingly smiled and nodded, turned back to disciples, "let's take a break at the nearby inn."

"Weiwuxian why are you staring at him?"
Weiwuxian was scrutinizing wangji's face, interfered by his brother.
Wwx brushed off," Nothing" , He doesn't know why wangji is avoiding him.

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