chapter 9

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Weiwuxian , "Lanzhan.."
Lan Wangji , ""
Weiwuxian smiling widely,"So now we are Friends?"
Lan Wangji , " No"
Wwx confusedly "then you forgive me right?"
Lan wangji, "-" , keep writing
Weiwuxian, "lanzhan? lanzhaaaaaan...."
Whined, "why are you like this?? Lan wangji.. Actually i am the one who should be mad here. At that night, you broke my jars, you fought with me. You even took my first kiss. NOT ME. YOU took it. Ha.. I agree i accidently held you then. "said in a pouty face.
Wangji taken aback 'it was his first?'. His writings ceased at that thought, looking down, deep in thoughts, processing other man's words.
Weiwuxian seems satisfied with wangji's reaction demanded dramatically " now tell me, who should be the mad one here?,continued his blabbling like a maiden, "Poor me. Who will take my respon-.mmm mmphmm?"

Although weiwuxian said everything
shame lessly, its true.Wangji felt guilty,  couldn't take anything more from weiying so he silenced him. He can apologize for everything later, begins to compose some words for that.

Meanwhile, weiwuxian waved his hands at him. When he saw it did not work he went closer to his wangji's face to attain some attention. Wangji who composed some words , didn't notice how close they are, quickly glanced up. His silence spell  was removed as their lips touched, Weiwuxian gasped. They both stunned and pulled back a little ....

Weiwuxian who was in a trance saw his Adam's apple bobbing up and down. He touched it unconsciously and caressed with his fore finger.
Wangji kept his eyes on weiying, his throat went dry as he ( wwx) touched him. He felt like his skin is under the fire and caught his hand to keep away the friction.The tips of his ears turned red.

Weiwuxian's eyes travelled from there to wangji's lips, His breath caught in throat. He doesn't know which wicked witch possessed him then, he pressed his lips on other and nibbled them softly.
Wangji stayed still,  thinking it's just a dream..

When wwx realised what he was doing,  pulled back , looked at the staggered wangji and Left the place immediately without looking back..

He kept cursed himself.' What have you done weiwuxian .???  Idiot...Arghhh.....fuck! How can i face him again? Why did you do that.?? '
He came back to his room, closed the door. He sat on the bed, hides his face under bed sheets, paced around in the room while keep cursing himself. He wants to run away from here.. Far away. 'oh... He'll say 'that' to that old man lan, then he'll kick me out from here. How shameless are you weiwuxian?????' Hit his forehead ' you're a shame to Jiang sect weiwuxian .what should i do??  Now i really am screwed. Weiwuxiannnn......' he screamed internally. He didn't open his room door until next morning.

On the other hand, wangji stayed there for few more minutes he could still feel the soft warm lips of weiwuxian and he touched there where he was kissed.

**Flash back ended**

Weiwuxian thought about it, he had an uneasy feeling in his heart.
'What if lanzhan told 'those' to his uncle?? Did he-'
His thoughts were cut...

"Weiwuxian!!!!" Lan Qiren shouted for the second time.
Weiwuxian with a smile, "here", panicking internally, 'is he going to ask me nowww???'
Lan Qiren with hmp started to ask questions about theories, weiwuxian let out a relief breath and excitedly answered everything. however, in the end he was kicked out from class. He gladly accepted it and left the room.

Outside the class, he went to his favorite spot near waterfall where he used to sit with his friends in break time. He sat there, thinking of a way to face wangji, not long after others came there.

Nie Huaisang , "hey.. wei xiong you really have the nerve to get out from the class, lan qiren became paled."
Weiwuxian with a laugh , "hah its nothing Nie xiong..Wasn't he the one who asked me to get out? That's why I left."
Jiang Cheng," weiwuxian you really have a thick face, now go take your reward"

Wwx cocked his head, "reward??
Nie Huaisang , "yes. it's sad to say but you have to copy the rules for 10 times apart from your progressing one."

Weiwuxian lost his all colours in the face ,
"...... WHATT!???"

Jiang cheng, "mmm not that only. You can't go out like last time, to make it hard, You will be in a place where no others could disturb seclusion..reflect on your own mistakes"

Wwx relaxed his muscles in relief, asked thoughtfully, " then how can he be sure i won't cheat?"
Realization hit him, in a horror face ,
weiwuxian,"Don't tell me lanzhan will be there..?"

They looked at him in pity and nodded.

Wwx, "Arghhhh........ "
'Fuck!! i was just thinking about a plan to escape from my first one, not to face lanzhan. Now i have to write againnnnn?? with himmm???how unlucky are you? !!!'

Wwx buried his face in his palms and whined, " i was wrong... I dont want this...pleaseeeeeeee"
Jiang cheng , " now you're thinking* sigh*"
Nie Huaisang tried to comfort him too...

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