Chapter 44

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Hiiii dear readers.. ❤️

How are you doing guys??😊

Sorry for the delay.. 🙃


Wwx was laying on his bed, thinking about everything he heard about wangji. He pulled up the sleeves and kissed the cloud emblem of that head band.

" Lanzhan.. I want to see how you got angry and use your power to fight for me..." Pouted and curled into like a ball, spoke to himself, " I miss you my husband. "
His memories went to the days that they spent together in jingshi....

             *** Flash back- one day***

(18+ warning. You can skip if you want ;)

It was a morning in gusu. Wwx snuggled more to wangji's chest that made a smile on wangji's lips. He was admiring the sleeping beauty since the time he woke up. It becomes a habit -enjoying his husband's lovely face.

Wwx opened his eyes slowly and slurred a  "Good morning " before kiss him. It was a gentle morning kiss but turned into a passionate one.

Wwx panted after that kiss, " Lanzhan... "

Lwj, " Mmmn"

Wwx eyes filled with desire as he asked,
" Shall we do it now?"

Lwj was always ready but didn't want to take a risk now. He glanced at window indicating the time. It was almost their breakfast time. Wangji's daily routine time were unstable from the day wwx entered in jingshi. He spends more time with his love.

Wwx pleaded, " Please... Just one round then we will cook our breakfast"

A month ago, Wangji cleaned up the kitchen that was attached to their next room and brought some vegetables to cook . Qiren was convinced when xichen said that it was to avoid leaving wwx behind alone. Qiren also liked this idea since wangji can keep his eyes always on wwx.

He regretted this idea later, after they revealed themselves * sigh*

Lwj gulped down when he thought of wwx's cooking skills. It took a full day to feel a relief for his stomach ache last time. Wwx is indeed better in everything but cooking.

Wwx got what was he thinking, laughed nervously," Fine. You'll cook for us and I'll help you. Hmm? "

Lwj, " Mmn. " after a pause, " Weiying.. Can we.. Later? " he asked with all caution since he doesn't want to make him sad.

Lwj is worried about them being get caught by their uncle. One day wangxian was in a hot kiss when Master lan entered Jingshi's compound, silently, to check them. Qiren didn't use the front way to make it unknown for them. Xichen who was with him, messaged him immediately. Nonetheless, they're not in this world to watch those butterfly messages. In the end, Xichen took the lead and walked infront of Qiren. As he expected, they were not in this world. He watched them through the window and nervously laughed, talked, " It's nothing. Uncle and i was just passing by." He spoke to no one and when wangxian heard his voice out of nowhere, came back to reality, looked at his side and maintained their distance before Qiren could see them. For that, xichen earned many death glares from Qiren. Because he wanted to see what they were doing in first hand but xichen ruined that plan.

Another time, Wangxian was taking bath together when Master lan entered in his room.

The door was opened so he entered inside. Xichen thought there's no problem and they must be meditating since the door is not closed, didn't send a message.

It was also xichen who helped them saying that he checked the next room and wwx is in there and insisted his uncle to go with him. Wangxian gave an apologetic face later, for that xichen offered a smug smile.

Secret lovers wangxian Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora