Chapter 29

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Xichen reached to cold pond and didn't find them but found their shoes alone which made him more tense.

He called, "Wangji..."

No response.

"A xian..."


He called again before going back, reminded himself ,'Wangji isn't a kid and is a powerful cultivator and he's not alone. Axian is also not an ordinary but a match for wangji. That means they must be into something else.'

Wangxian was in a hot kiss, disturbed by something from under the water. They looked at the water, before they could react, they were drawn into an unknown place. Within seconds,Both came inside of cold cave.
Wwx looked around, " what is this place lanzhan??? "
Lwj held him closer to his body protectively, "Don't know"
They moved forward and found a guqin. Lwj walked to it, holding there hands together. But the chord of assassination from that guqin threw him ( wwx) back.

Lwj rushed towards him and helped him, while wwx complained, "what was that?"
and found its trick, before it play itself again, asked, "Lanzhan...Your forehead ribbon."

Lwj didn't think twice, their wrists were tied by that band, hands intertwined together, he smiled.
Though wwx doesn't remember the importance of this, he widely grinned at him, satisfyingly when he saw other's smile,
Looked each other.

Lwj averted his eyes from those cute face before he lose his control . He came towards the guqin and played inquiry. Suddenly, they heard some noises, wwx got confused asked, " lanzhan do you hear anything? "
The sound is so loud and can't be avoided. So why ask such a question.
Lwj gazed at him, "mm", didn't ask about anything. He had already something to ask about their night hunt - he'll ask everything after this.

When the voices ended itself, Lan yi appeared with one rabbit in her hand. The fact that they found rabbits here was unbelievable.
After their introduction, Lan yi told them about her , the Yin iron and her relationship with baoshan sanren.

Wwx was overwhelming with all these, " you know where is she living?" asked instantly when she finished how their friendship were gone down.
Lan Yi sadly shook her head, "No. " curiosily asked, "why?"
Wwx in a proud smile, "Baoshan sanren is my grandmother. I'm son of wei changze and cangse sanren."
Lan yi," cangse.. Sanren.." Repeated that name again as she is trying to remember something.

Wwx excitedly , "you know my mother too?"
Lan Yi smiled but shook her head, "i do not know her in person. My friend once said with her foresight that there will be one who can control all the yin irons. I didn't believe her but tried to be that person. All these my secluded years, i really wished for that person. However, i didn't know he's from her own blood line."
Wwx confusedly looked at her and thought about chenqing's words.

Wangji looked at him amusedly but suddenly it changed into a worry, asked," Is weiying the one?" his question pierced through weiying's mind, he looked at them.

When She Nodded, he asked again, "Won't it affect on his health? "

She smiled a little asked calmly, " what's your relationship?
Wwx, "we..."thought whether to say the truth or not.
Lwj completed," lovers"

Lan yi, "if you're just lovers i'd ask you to marry him. seems like you're more than that."
They blushed as she continued, "You two are connected in a way."

Wwx, remembered chenqing's words asked politely, "connected? What does that mean?"

Wangji clearly understood, it must be related to their cultivation, blushed even more.

Lan Yi stated, "partners in cultivation. You two have a strong bond through your dual cultivation. I can see that. "Looked at the blushing couple, continued," Wangji, For your question , it'll effect not only his health but also yours.You must have experienced it by now."

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