Chapter 24

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At night Jingshi on that day

Weiwuxian found his way to his lover through back side of jingshi.

There he is!

Wangji was gracefully standing near a bamboo chair and a table on the back yard of Jingshi. His eyes were fixed at Wwx's way- waiting for him.
Wwx grinned at him. He didnt see this place in day light but can assure that this chair is facing at the flower garden area.

Jingshi is surrounded by bamboo forests and a secluded area. The title "silent room" is apt to this area.Apart from nature voices (chirping of birds, wind whiling, branches creaking, insects humming etc),  there is nothing. The usual Silence broke down only when second youngmaster lan practices his guqin.
He was told this place was Madam lan's quarters. She really had a good collection of plants.There are both day flowers and night flowers or moon flowers which really have good fragrance. He could smell them as he take his turn to here.
Disciples on night duty will check this place from time to time to ensure  there is nothing wrong. At first, wwx had a hard time finding this place as the paths were not well lit. Because the disciples carry a lamp to examine this place. Wangji, on the other hand, would be here before the darkness fully embraced this place. If not, he carries a lamp. After wwx came here, he (lwj) became more cautious and installed lights on the front ways. No use, he only uses the back door. However, he will gets the reflection of those lights
In fact, Weiwuxian really brighten up both wangji's mind and house.

Weiwuxian beamed at him and ran towards him. Wangji smiled at him and caught him at right time as he jumped on him. They went for a gentle kiss.
Wwx hugged him like a koala bear, asked, "were you waiting for me er gege?"
Lwj," mm "said as he walked into the room and locked the back door with a swift movement.

Wwx chuckled at him, "I'm not going any where. Why're you so impatient?"
Lwj shamelessly, "waited a whole day"
Wwx giggled at him and gave butterfly kisses all over his face till he was placed down on the bed.
Wangji sat beside him and led him to a hot kiss while disrobed him and himself. Wangji lost his all sanity at his lover's pale body started to caress, kiss, bite...

He halted for a second and looked at him, they were facing each other, now.
Wwx displeased with the sudden retreat behavior, "what's that?.. "
Lwj  didnt say anything but pulled him into a tight hug . His finger ran through a purple scare on his back.

How come he didn't find it on that night..!

Lwj confirmed , "Scares. Zidian."
Wwx eyes widened, froze there, didn't utter a word. He never thought of such a situation or he would have find a way to fade them away or avoid situation like this. He doesn't like when his lanzhan got worry and doesn't know why but he's becoming more and more sensitive to his lover's emotions like he can feel what it would be for him.

Wangji, surely, heard about the madam yu's displeasure towards their head disciple but  an extend to use a spiritual whip against him.he recalled chenqing's words
"I was sealed, from the beginning, to ensure your safety which made me only to stay back while you got hurt."

Lwj, "why?" His voice was almost a broken one,at the thought of all those beatings his Weiying had received.  The scars on his back almost fading, however, it's countless. He caressed one that seems like from the last hit he got,with his indexfinger, asked again, "Does it still hurts? "

Wwx decided to break his silence and looked at him, "lanzhan...Its not a big deal..i got used to it... Madam yu would use it whenever i did something wrong and it is healed now. It'll take sometime for them to fade"
Lwj,thought painfully , 'not a big deal?? Used to it?? ' ragely, 'Just how many times  did he get whipped??'

Secret lovers wangxian Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon