Thor's Hammer

884 41 4

Your POV

I'm sat on a sofa in the tower with everybody. It's the aftermath of a pretty great party, thanks to Tony. As per usual, Tony Stark throws an insane party. We love to see it. I'm sat next to Nat and Wanda. Clint, Steve, Tony, Thor, Maria, James and Bruce are sat around is. Mjolnir is on the table. That's Thor's hammer by the way.

Wanda is sat next to me with her head on my shoulder. She's leaned into me almost. Not that i mind. We all have alcohol.

"Ah, whosoever be he worthy shall haveth the power!" Clint exclaims.

We laugh.

"Whatever man! It's a trick!" Clint says.

Thor chuckles and holds his hand out.

"Please! Be my guest!" Thor says.

"Really?" Clint says.

"Yeah!" Thor says.

"Go on Clint!" I cheer.

He stands up and hands me back my sticks. He goes to the hammer and grabs the handle.

"Oh this is gunna be beautiful." Nat says.

"Clint you've had a tough week, we wont hold it against you if you cant get it up." I tease.

He laughs and flips me off. Me and Wanda both laugh at him. He looks at Thor.

"You know I've seen this before, right?" Clint says.

He grabs it and puts all his energy into trying to lift it.


And he fails. He laughs.

"I still dont know how you do it!" Clint says.

"Smell the silent judgement?" Tony asks.

"Go on Stark. Give it a try." I say.

He looks at me and smirks a little. He stands up and starts sauntering his way to the hammer.

"Never been one to shrink from an honest challenge. It's physics." Tony says.

He grabs the strap and puts it around his wrist. Then grabs the handle.

"Right so, if i lift it, i then rule Asgard?" Tony asks.

"Yes, of course." Thor says.

He's just not worried at all. I love that for him. Tony gets into a stance, putting a leg onto the table.

"I will be instituting Prima Nocta." Tony says.

He puts both hands on the handle and tries lifting, grunting as he does. I smirk and lean to Wanda.

"He's gunna fall over before he lifts it." I say.

Wanda chuckles.

"Don't be mean." She says.

"But I'm correct." I say.

He pulls the strap off his wrist and nods.

"I'll be right back." He says.

He walks off and comes back with the armpiece of his suit. He puts it on and tries again. Again, failing. James gets his and they both try lifting.

"Are you even pulling?" James asks.

"Are you on my team?" Tony sasses.

"Just represent, pull." James says.

"Alright, lets go." Tony says.

They both fail and Bruce gives it a go. He grabs it with both hands and lets out a battle cry, almost, whilst trying to lift it. He fails, stands back after letting go, and yells out a little. Nobody laughs. Except for me.

I found it quite funny.

"Go on. Steve give it a go." I say.

He stands up and pulls up his sleeves. He grabs the hammer with both hands and pulls. It lifts a little. I look at Thor. He's worried. I elbow Wanda a little. She looks at me and then to Thor. She smiles. Cap gives up though. He cant do it.

"Nat give it a go." I say.

"Oh no, that's not a question i need answered." Nat says, sitting back and taking a drink from her beer.

I laugh.

"All difference to the man who wouldn't be King, but it's rigged." Tony says.

"You bet your ass." Clint says.

"Steve, he said a bad language word." Maria says.

We all laugh.

"The handles imprinted, right? Like a security code? 'Whosoever is carrying Thor's fingerprints' is i think the literal translation." Tony says.

"Yes. Uh that's a very very intriguing theory. However!" Thor says.

He looks at me.

"I want to see you try." He says.

"Me?" I ask.

"Yes. What's there to lose?" Thor says.

I shrug and stand up. I pass Wanda my bottle and go to the hammer. I grab the handle and everybody looks. Thor sits forward. And i lift the hammer. Everybody sits in complete shock.

"Uh... okay uhm... that wasn't supposed to happen?" Thor says.

"What do i do now?" I ask.

I flip the hammer and catch it.

"Holy fucking shit!" Steve exclaims.

I gasp.

"Language, Cap!" I say.

I look back to Thor. He's so confused.

"Tell you what, you can have it back." I say.

I pass it to him and sit back down. We spend the rest of the night just talking and joking.

"Everybody barring Y/n, the only girl might i add that tried, failed to pick the hammer up... and uh.. what exactly does that mean?" Tony asks.

"That Y/n is waaay more worthy than all of you." Wanda says.

"You damn right." I say.

We tap our bottles together and drink. Wanda lays her head on my shoulder. The rest of the night just stays like this pretty much. I now have bragging rights and a seriously impressed girlfriend.

So uhm... idk i saw a tiktok and here i am. Updating the Wanda book. Idk lemme know what you think. Bye :)

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