No more colours

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You've been born with a certain issue. When you lose all happiness, you lose the ability to see colours. Not to mention the fact that you're a whole ass superhero. But passing that.

Wanda's been stolen by Hydra and you're coming up with a plan to get her back. But they're being assholes.

"Why dont we go round the back? Cos if we-"

"Shut up Y/n." Peter snaps.

"We already have a plan. Your plans are shit and nobody likes them." Tony says.

"Where the hell has this come from?" You ask.

"Nobody likes you Y/n." Bruce says.

"You're only here cos you're one of the strongest. If you weren't, we'd have left you in a ditch!" Steve says.

You look at Nat. She just stays quiet. You look at Vision. He stays quiet. You nod. They all stare at you. Peter notices your eyes losing their colour.

"What's happening to your eyes?" He asks.

"Not like you care, but when i lose all happiness they lose colour. I actually felt like i fit in here. Like i had a family." You say.

You can feel their guilt. That's one of your abilities. You shake your head.

"Dont feel guilty. You told me what i needed to hear and now I'll leave. Since you made it clear enough. I'll clear out while you're out saving my girl. No doubt she feels the same way you guys do. So she wont be that hurt when she finds out I've left. Just tell me when you're goin." You say.

You go upstairs and into your room. You lay on the floor and just listen to them. Superhearing is another power you have.

"We made a mistake." Peter says.

"Yeah. And now there's nothing we can do. Because she's set on her opinions. Wanda's gunna kill us."

You start packing your stuff and wait for them to leave. When they leave, you grab your bags. The bags are heavy. But you dont care.


"Hello Y/n. What can i do for you?" Jarvis asks.

"Y'know how every avenger is given a name by Tony?"


"What name did Tony give me?" You ask.

"He changed it yesterday. From 'Y/n, nicest, kindest and sweetest avenger' to.... are you sure you want me to tell you Y/n?" Jarvis asks.

You take a deep breath and nod. Preparing yourself. Your eyes lost all colour but you can still see colours. You're just expecting to no longer be able to see any colours.

"Yes please Jarvis." You say.

"He changed your name to 'Y/n, worst, most annoying, stupidest avenger'." Jarvis says.

Just like that, no more colours. You nod and feel a tear slip down your face.

"Okay... thanks Jarvis. Can you-uh-can you remove me from the Avengers data base?" You ask.

"Yes. Is there anything you need before i do that?"

"Has Tony told any of the others anything nasty about me?" You ask.

The doors swing open. Wanda.

"Jarvis wipe me from the system. Immediately." You say.

"Jarvis dont!" Wanda yells.

"Wipe freezed."

You look at Wanda. She walks over to you.

"Y/n please dont leave. I dont want you to leave. I love you." She says.

Your heart sinks. But you shake your head and leave. Wanda's heart shatters.

"She'll come back. Dont worry." Peter says.

Wanda nods. A few months of nothing, you go back. You put your hand on the wall and Jarvis reads your print.

"Welcome back Y/n the nicest, kindest funniest and most amazing avenger." Jarvis says.

The door opens and you walk inside. Wanda is the first person to spot you. She runs over to you and hugs you. You hug back and just like that, the colour comes back.

"I'm sorry." You mumble.

"It's okay baby." She says.

They all apologise perfusely and add to the hug. It will take you a little time to get over but it'll be okay.

Kinda shit but low on ideas :)

The voices are back which is why I'm lacking on updates. I promise I'll try harder just stick with me.

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