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You and the Avengers have recently, like 10 minutes ago, just got back from a mission. So many people died. Infinity war issues. You lost Wanda. You and Wanda are.... well were dating. Losing someone as close to you as Wanda has stung you deeply. It sucks for you. You're too young to be losing this many people.

But right now, you and Steve are arguing because he's being an inconsiderate prick.

"Yeah well at least my girlfriend didn't get dusted." Steve says.

You and Wanda are layed on the roof together. Cuddled up under a blanket watching the stars.

"I love you." She says.

"I love you too." You say.

End of flashback.

You nod.

"My girlfriend and i can cuddle and watch movies. All you got is pictures and hoodies." Steve says.


You look to Wanda and hum. She kisses you. You smile and kiss back. She pulls back first.

"I liked that. We should do that more often." You say.

She goes bright red.

End of flashback.

You stay in silence as more flashbacks flood through.

She's stood against your door.

"I dont care how much you hate me after i tell you this but it's been pissing me off so much. I like you. Crush like you. And i dont care what you say. I had to tell you because it's eating me up inside."

She smiles.

"I like you too."

End of flashback.

"Y/n?" Nat asks.


Nat and Wanda are stood together.

"I know she's not your sister but she's like a sister to you. Do i have permission to go on a date with her?" Wanda asks.

Nat nods.

"Dont hurt her."

"Wouldn't dream of it."

End of flashback.

You look to Steve, a slight smile on your mouth.

"You sure do know what you're doin dont you?"

"What do you mean?" Steve asks.

"Going after me like this barely an hour after Wanda got dusted. You should consider yourself lucky that your 'girlfriend' didn't get dusted along with mine. But then again, if yours got dusted, we'd never hear the end of it. So it's saved us all an ear ache. 'Oh woe is me. I spend 70 years in ice and now no longer have a girlfriend cos shes dust'. Wont have to listen to your bitching. Also, dont start on me. Okay? I'm the reason you have your girlfriend. I convinced you to tell her. I convinced her to give you a chance." You say.

He looks down. You chuckle softly.

"I must admit Steve, you sure do know how to fire back at someone. I'll hand it to you, i wasn't expecting it. But then again, neither was Bucky."

He looks at you.

"Exactly. That's my point. You cant take what you give. You fire this shit at me but the second i fire it back 'oh woe is me'. You're hilarious.... actually no. Pathetic. That's what I'm looking for." You say.

"Dont even go there Y/n. I fought in a war so you can-"

"Stand here and have a girlfriend. Yeah i get it. But dont forget, so did Bucky. He was just as much my friend as he was yours. Lets not forget that." You say.


You and Steve look at Nat. She holds her hand out to you.

"C'mon. Lets go somewhere else. Calm you down."

You decide to go with her. You stand against a wall, more flashbacks come flooding in.

It's the first party of the year. You're all stood getting drunk out of your minds and dancing together. You and Wanda are dancing, arms around each other. You lift her and she squeals.

"Y/n!!" She exclaims.

You laugh and put her down. Before she gets to whine, you kiss her. She smiles into the kiss and kisses back. You pull back first.

"I love you." You say.

"I love you too."

End of flashback.

You look to Nat.


She opens her arms and you walk into them. You break down. She holds you while you cry. She soothes you.

"It's gunna be okay. I know it's hard right now but you'll get her back some how. We always find a way dont we?" Nat asks.

You nod. She takes you up to your room and leaves to scream at Steve. You'll get her back. You're Avengers. Avengers always manage.

Thoughts? We can thank TikTok for a surprise double update today. Byeeeee :)

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