New recruit

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*just after everything with Ultron. You're the new recruit. Wanda cant see colours until she meets her soulmate*


"Still no colours?" Nat asks.

I shake my head.

"You'll find your person Wanda. Dont worry." Steve says.

"I hope so." I mutter.

Vision walks into the room we're sat in. He smiles.

"Tony says there's someone we need to meet. A new recruit." Vision says.

We nod and follow Vision to where Tony is. We sit down.

"Okay. So, we have a new recruit. Her name is Y/n Y/l/n. Take it easy on her. She's just turned 18 and she lost her parents the other week. I found her wondering the streets of New York. She's got powers and she hasn't quite learned to control them yet but we'll work on that." Tony says.

He invites the girl into the room and suddenly, colours. There is absolutely no fucking way.

"Hey. Um... I'm Y/n. And um... hi."

I smile at her awkwardness. Nat pokes my arm. I look at her. Her eyes widen.

"Your eyes aren't gray anymore Wanda." Nat says.

My heart drops. It must mean that Y/n is actually my soulmate.

"Guys, introduce yourselves to Y/n." Tony says.

"I'm Steve. Or Captain America. Whichever you prefer."

They shake hands.

"I'm Clint. Or Hawkeye."

They shake hands.

"I'm Loki. Or your future boyfriend."

I roll my eyes.

"Now now Loki. Lets not get ahead of ourselves. I'm Thor. Also possibly your future boyfriend."

Y/n smiles at their stupidity.

She shakes hands with Thor and then Loki.

"I'm Bucky. The-"

"Winter soldier." Yn says.

Bucky smiles. They shake hands.

"I'm Vision."

They shake hands.

"I'm Nat. Or the Black Widow. I mean either will do." Nat says.

They shake hands.

"I-I'm Wanda."


She smiles at me and we shake hands.

"I'm Bruce."

They shake hands.

"There's a few more of us but they're all on missions." Tony says.

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