Where were you when in was at my worst

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Trigger warning. Mentions of depression and suicide.

You're sat in your bedroom crying your eyes out. You're at your worst right now. You're begging for help but nobody sees it. There's a knock on your bedroom door. You wipe your eyes and sit up.

"Come in!"

Peter walks in. He shuts the door. He frowns.

"Have you been crying?" He asks.

You shake your head.

"No. Definitely not." You lie..

"Oh okay. I need to vent." He says.

You bite your tongue and nod. He spends a good 40 minutes venting. Then you give him your advice. He nods.

"Thanks Y/n." He says.

He leaves. When you know he's far enough away, you break again. He looked right through you. He knew you'd been crying but he said nothing.

You're so so close to ending it all. You make the decision. You write a note and pin it to your door.

Dear Avengers
I've been at my worst for god knows how long and the closest anybody has gotten to caring is when Wanda came to me the other day to vent about Tony. But it didn't really prove anything.

I've been on my knees begging for help for so long. But none of you seemed to care at all. So I'm going to the roof and I'm jumping. Good luck with any future missions. See you on the other side.


Wanda goes to your bedroom and is about to knock on the door when she sees the note. She reads it. Her eyes widen and she gathers the Avengers. They read the note and all run to the roof.

There stands you. On the edge.

"Y/n!" Wanda yells.

You turn to them.

"Y/n come off the edge and talk to us." Wanda begs.

You look at them all and scoff.

"I was there for you all! At your darkest time! I was there for you all in your darkest night! But i wonder.... where were you when I was at MY worst?! I was down on my knees begging for your help but none of you cared! You all said you had my back but not ONE of you have shown that! It should be painfully obvious when I'm down because I'm always happy!" You shout.

They look down. You scoff again.

"See?! Nothing! From any of you! So I'm done.... I'm done being there for everybody and getting NOTHING in return....." You say.

They look at you, tears in their eyes.

"Please dont jump." They beg.

You shake your head and fall backwards.

"NO!" Wanda yells.

She runs to the edge and jumps down after you.

"WANDA!" Tony yells.

Your eyes are closed and your arms are spread out wide while you fall. Which makes you fall slower. Wanda catches you and stops you both falling. You open your eyes and look at her. She hugs you. You try to push her off of you so you can drop. You expected them just to watch and laugh as you fell.

She just tightens her grip.

A few hours pass. You're layed in your bed facing the wall. Wanda's stood outside your room. You can feel her stood there. You wave your hand and the door opens. You put your hand back under the cover. You can feel your eyes tearing up.


"Yeah..." You mumble.

She walks in and shuts the door. She locks it and sits on your bed. She sits against the wall so she can see your face.

"Are you okay? After earlier?" She asks.

"Define okay." You say.

"Feeling better?" She asks.

"Define feeling better." You say.

She lays next to you.

"Am i okay to lay here?" She asks.

You nod. She nods. You lift the covers with your mind and she slips under. You drop them with your mind. You wipe the tears out of your eyes and roll over to face her. She rolls to face you. You're both pretty close to each other.

She glances down at your lips. You notice and glance down at hers. You both slowly lean in until you kiss. It's soft. She pulls back first and you both just lay there looking at each other. You kiss again.

This time she pulls out first.

"I'm sorry. For never noticing that you were on edge and needing help. I was so caught up in my own stupid tiny issues to see how big your issues were." Wanda says.

"It's not your fault. I wrote that letter looking for someone to blame. I just blamed you all because it seemed easy to do. It's none of your fault." You say.

"If you didn't write the letter or i didn't see it in time, would you have jumped?" Wanda asks.

She looks at you. You nod.

"Probably." You say.

She nods and her eyes water up.

"Please dont do it again Y/n. Losing you would be the worst. We all need you. You make us all happy. Having you around brightens our moods so much." Wanda says.

You nod.

"I wont do it again. I promise." You say.

She nods. You both just hug and fall asleep.

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