Falling asleep on her

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You and Wanda are layed in your bed watching a movie. You planned on asking her to be your girlfriend tonight but you chickened out.

She looks at you and sees that you're fast asleep. She smiles. Then an idea comes to her mind. She puts her hands on the sides of your head and looks into your dream.

I land in Y/n's bedroom. Y/n and..... me.... are sat on her bed. I dont think the dream people can see me.

"My god she's beautiful."

That sounds like Y/n's voice. I look at Y/n and she's just sat staring at me. While I'm sat watching the movie.

"I reeeeeeally hope she likes me back. Cos if she doesn't then it's gunna be awkward and I'm gunna feel stupid..."

"Hey Wanda?"

The dream me looks at Y/n.

"What's up?"

"I like you. A lot. And i was wondering if you wanted to possibly be my girlfriend."

The dream me laughs. Pretty evily.

"Fuck. I fucked up. Great. Now I've lost a friend."

"What makes you think i actually like you?" Dream me says.

"Hey! You're being a bitch! Admit you like her back asshole!" I yell.

"We've hooked up like 3 times. I-I figured maybe you felt what i felt from it." Y/n says, a bit of hope in her voice.

"I do! Y/n i do!" I yell.

"We open your eyes Y/n. We were drunk and i always regretted it. I'll never like you Y/n. You're not worth me or my time." Dream me says.

"Dude! Stop being an asshole!" I shout.

Dream me stands up off the bed. Y/n stands up.

"Please dont stop being my friend. I have the strength to control myself and stop myself from doing anything, literally anything, you think I'm gunna do." Y/n says.

"Well guess what? I dont care. You're a horrible person. I hate you. We all hate you." Dream me says.


Dream me leaves her room. Y/n just stands there. She's biting her finger. I walk over to her and try hugging her but i pretty much ghost straight through her.

I pull out of the dream and look at Y/n. Without another thought i kiss her. Not even 3 seconds later, i feel her kiss me back.

I pull back and Y/n is just sat there looking at me.

"What was that for?" Y/n asks.

"I like you and i just felt like it." I say.

"I mean.... I'm not complaining." Y/n says.

"Good. Complaints aren't welcome here." I say.

She smiles.

"Wait hang on.... you like me?" Y/n asks.

"Yeah. I do. And i wanted to tell you cos, and no lies here, i looked into your head while you were asleep to see if you was having happy dreams and when i saw what you were dreaming about, i felt horrible. And now you dont have to worry about me not liking you back." I say.

She kisses me. I kiss back. She pulls back first.

"Will you be my girlfriend?" Y/n asks.

"Yes. I will." I say.

She smiles.

"Cuddles." Y/n says.

I smile. I lay down and Y/n lays against me.

"Just so you know, you're a very very comfortable person. And you're also very warm." Y/n says.

I smile.

"You're also very warm." I say.

"I know." Y/n says.

I laugh. Not long after, we fall asleep.

Okay i apologise for the lack of updates. There's gunna be a bigger apology thing on my message board. It's gunna explain a few things.

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