Random hug

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*you're in your bedroom messing on your phone. You've been ill all day. Wanda walks in and lays herself on top of you*

You're sat in your bedroom doing some stuff on your phone. The bedroom door opens. You look up and see Wanda. You smile. She ignores the smile and walks over to you. She straddles you and then wraps her arms around you. She just lays on top of you.

You put your phone down and wrap your arms tightly around her. She nuzzles her head into the crook of your neck. You both stay like that for god knows how long.

Every now and then, you just place soft kisses on her temple's on the sides of her head.

At some point, you realise that she might be asleep. So you pull the covers over you both and you keep your hold on her. You dont wanna let go of her.

After what felt like a life time, she tries to move. Your grip on her is a little too tight. But you let go cos you dont wanna hurt her. She sits up so she's straddling you. You prop yourself up on your elbows.

"Now what was that all about?" You ask.

"Just wanted to come give my sick baby a hug." Wanda says.

"I'll gladly have another one if you dont mind the chance that you could get sick." You say.

She lays you down and moves herself so she's in the same position as before. You smile and lay your head on the pillow.

"I love you. So much." You say.

She smiles.

"I love you too. So much." She says.

Short but my definition of adorable

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