All i know

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You're sat in your new bedroom in the Avengers tower texting. Okay. Abrupt start.

You've been sent here by Hydra. They stole you from your family and turned you into one of their soldiers. But you hate them and would turn on them at any chance given.

Anyway. Like i said, you've been sent by Hydra. For what reason exactly? To take them down from inside. They needed someone on the inside to remove the Avengers for good.

But why send you? Why not send someone that's been in Hyrda since day one? They sent you because you're the most powerful 19 year old they know. So sending you to take them down was their best idea.

You've been in the Avengers for the past week. You've made friends with Peter, Natasha, Wanda and Bucky. The others trust you. Particularly Tony.

You're dreading what's going to happen if you decide to tell them why you're really there.

Anyway. You're sat texting the Hydra man.

And you're trusted by Tony in particular?

We got sent on a mission last week and he almost died.


One of their cronies shot at him.

Did you save him?

If I'm here to kill the Avengers, i gotta kill them.
Nobody else

Check in tomorrow night
Take a trip. A walk. Whatever.
Come to HQ.
Give us any information.

You delete the messages and put your phone down on your bed side unit. You sigh and stand up.

Remember how i said you'd turn on them with any chance given? This is your given chance. A blessing from the gods should we say.

There's a knock on your door. You look at the door and see Wanda. You wave her in. She walks in.

"What's up?" You ask.

"Just wanted to check on you. Are you okay?" Wanda asks.

"Yeah I'm okay. Are you okay?" You ask.

She smiles.

"Yeah I'm okay. Thank you." Wanda says.

You smile.

"I'm gunna take a walk if you wanna join me. Just through the woods." Wanda says.

You smile.

"Yeah gimme a few minutes. Gotta find my damn shoes." You say.

She chuckles and leaves your room. You grab your phone and text HM (Hydra Man).



I'm going on a walk with Wanda Maximoff
Would this be the chance?

Take a knife
Or a gun
Kill her and blame it on Hydra.


You delete the messages and put your phone down. You grab your shoes and your silenced pistol. You grab your phone and leave your room.

"What's with the pistol?" Wanda asks.

"Cant be to careful. Hydra could be anywhere." You say.

"Fair point." Wanda says.

You two take a walk in the woods. Wanda's lace comes undone and she kneels down to fix it. You quietly pull out your pistol and point it at the back of her head. You go to pull the trigger but change your mind. You put your gun away.

"You struggling there?" You ask.

"I've never been good at laces. Pietro tried to show me when i was younger but I've never been able to grasp it." Wanda says.

"Who's Pietro?" You ask.

"My brother. He got killed a few years ago." Wanda says.

"Oh... I'm sorry Wanda."

"It's fine." Wanda says.

You decide to help her.

"Just watch what i do. Once you get the basics behind it, it's simple." You say.

She nods and watches what you do. When you're done, you untie her laces.

"Your turn." You say.

She ties the lace with no issue.

"The basics first." Wanda says.

"Yep." You say.

You both stand up. She hugs you. Which is something you dont expect. But you hug back. Which surprises her.

"I didn't think you did hugs." Wanda says.

"I dont." You say.

She smiles. On the walk back home, you hear a twig snap. You both freeze.

"You heard that right?" She asks.

"I have superhearing. I woulda heard it if you didn't." You say.

You stand back to back. As the noises get closer, she grabs your hand. You spot the person. You pull your pistol out and shoot them. You both walk over to them. They had a gun. You find a note.

Time is ticking.

"The hell does that mean?" Wanda asks.

You know.

"I have absolutely no idea." You say.

You rip up the note and drop it on the floor. You turn and get met by a kiss. It's only a quick kiss. When she pulls back, you stand shocked.

"I am so so sorry. I dont know what made me do that." She says.

You grab her shirt and pull her into a kiss. She kisses back. She pulls back first.


You smile.

"Oh and by the way, apology accepted." You say.

She laughs. You both go back to the Avengers tower. You go to your room and she goes to hers. You sit on your bed and smile.

"Fuck Hydra..." You mutter.

Sooo!! Do yall want a book?



Whichever gets the most votes, decides if there is or isn't a book.

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