'she's dead'

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You're pacing around the Avengers tower waiting for Wanda to come back from a mission with Nat and Steve that should've only lasted 40 minutes. Which has turned into 3 hours.

"Y/n." Yelena says.

"I should've gone with them..."

"No. You did the right thing staying here." Yelena says.


You and Yelena look at Tony.

"What? What is it? TELL ME WHAT'S HAPPENED!"

"It's Wanda." He says.

Your stomach drops.

"Is she okay? Please tell me she's okay Tony! That's my girlfriend and i dont wanna lose her! TELL ME SHE'S ALRIGHT!" You yell.

"Y/n i-.... she's dead...."

You feel your heart shatter. Your eyes tear up.


"Y/n I'm so sorry.... but Wanda died during the mission. Steve and Nat just told me."

After that, everything goes fuzzy. Your eyes go blurry. You seem to go deaf from everything. You go dizzy. Your best bet is your bedroom. You take a step back into Yelena. As you're dizzy, you trip a little.

"Y/n-" Yelena says.

You walk past her having to grip hold of everything making your way to your bedroom. You stumble up the stairs, not being able to see past your tears and the blurry vision in your eyes.

You get to the door and stand there for a minute. Yelena and Tony walk up behind you.

"Y/n." Tony says.

They kneel down next to you.

"Lets get you to bed." Yelena says.

"N-no i...."

You walk up to the roof. Finally, your legs buckle and you drop to your knees. You let out a blood-churning, heart-breaking scream. Tony, Yelena, Peter and Bruce run up to you. Then Steve and Nat run up as they've just got home but heard your scream.

The scream let out the waterfall of tears that have built up over the past few minutes.

The Avengers huddle around you and hold you while you cry. When they get you to calm down, you look to Steve and Nat.

"Did-did you bri-bring her home?" You ask.

They nod. You make your way to the lab and see her lifeless body just layed on a table. You take her hand into yours and just hold it. You hug her lifeless body tightly. As tight as you can.

"Please dont be dead....."

Nat gently pulls you off Wanda and hugs you. You cry.

"It's okay. It's gunna be okay." Nat says.

The rest of the Avengers add to the hug. Eventually, you're layed in your bed with one of her pillows next to you. You put one of her jumpers over it and hug it closely as if you were holding her.

A few weeks pass and it's her funeral. Since it's 8pm, you're all setting off fireworks in order. Her colours then her name. When they all go inside, you sit in front of her grave. You put one hand on the stone and lay your head on it. You place a soft kiss on the stone and look up.

"I need you to do me one thing baby....."

You let out a shakey breath.

"Please..... dont be....."

You let out another shakey breath to stop yourself from breaking down again.

".....dead......" You say, only just getting out the word.

Nat, Yelena and Peter come sit next to you.

"I'll tell you something Y/n. Wanda would be proud of you right now." Nat says.

"Wanna know why?" Yelena asks.

You nod.

"Because you haven't completely shut down and just stopped functioning. She'd be proud that you're.... getting on with it." Peter says.

"But I'm not 'getting on with it'. It kills me knowing that Nat, you and Steve got to say goodbye but i didn't. It kills me that she's actually gone and there's no time loop to fix it...." You say.

The three hug you. They go inside. You hear something behind you so you turn.


"I'm proud of you baby..... i love you."

You turn back around and for a split second, see Wanda stood smiling at you. This isn't gunna be easy but you'll definitely try. That's all Wanda could ever ask of you.

It's 2:12am, im writing sad stories and crying while watching sad tiktoks. Wtf has happened to my sleep schedule?

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