She disappears

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You're with Nat, Peter, Tony and Dr Strange. Your girlfriend, Wanda, is with Vision. It's Infinity War era.

"All we have to do is-"

You freeze. When something big happens, you can feel it. Thanos just snapped.

"He snapped.... Thanos snapped...." You mutter.

"What?" Tony asks.

You turn and Strange is disappearing.

"Mr Stark? Y/n?"

You both look at Peter. He's looking at you mainly.

"I dont feel too good." He says.

You walk over and hug him. He starts to sniffle.

"I dont wanna go... i dont wanna go." He says.

You gently lay him down on the floor.

"I'll avenge you Peter. I promise." You say.

He nods. You hold his hand as he disappears. When he's gone, you stand. Then it hits you. Wanda.


You can feel her slowly drifting away. So you fly to where she is.


She looks at you. You run to her and hug her.

"Y/n..... i dont wanna leave you." She says.

You cup her cheek and kiss her.

"I promise you, you'll be okay. You'll be with Peter. Look after each other." You say.

She kisses you and fades away. When she's gone, you let out a blood curdling scream. Losing Wanda and Peter is just the worst. Peter was your brother. Wanda was your girlfriend. Steve runs over to you. You're on your knees crying.


You look at him. A little hope enters your heart. Maybe Bucky is okay. You and Bucky had a close bond. Bucky was like your father. Tony was like Peter's father.

"Steve... did-did Bucky make it?" You ask.

He bites his lip and shakes his head. You stand up and hug Steve. Bucky and Steve were pretty close too.

Weeks pass and it's the funeral for all those lost in the infinity war.

"Y/n?" Tony asks.

You go to the stand.

"Hi. I just wanted to say something. To all those we lost a few weeks ago against Thanos, i thank you."

You take a deep breath.

"To: Bucky, Peter Quill, Groot, Loki, Heimdall, Gamora, Vision, Sam, T'Challa, Mantis, Drax, Dr Strange, Maria, Nick, Shuri, Scott, Peter Parker and Wanda. We love you all. We're going to miss you all. Rest in peace." You say.

Thor hugs you and takes you back to your room.

"My little Midgardian, i suggest you get some sleep. I'll wake you when i need to. Wanda and Peter will be so proud of you right now Y/n. I hope you know this." Thor says.

You nod. You get into bed and he leaves your room. He shuts the door and goes. You climb out of bed and climb onto the roof. You look up at the sky.

"I love you. So much. Please look after each other. Please watch over me." You say, towards Wanda and Peter.

You lay on the roof and ball up. You cry yourself to sleep on the roof. This is going to take a lot of healing.

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