Chapter 39

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The last chapter was short.  But Paula, Chance and Ruby will get down to business this chapter.  Hang on, it's about to get dirty.

'Repeat your safe words, baby."

"Mistress Paula, my safe words are, Red to stop. Yellow to pause. And green to go." Chance took a deep breath to prepare his signal to go. Paula stood ready.

"Green." Chance braced himself for the pain about to be inflicted on his ass. Twenty hard swats, on each butt cheek, were about to land on his already reddened and tender derrière.

Paula didn't disappoint. She went right to work spanking his ass. She didn't hold back. Her intent was to impress Ruby and impress she did. She alternated ass cheeks with each blow. Chance squirmed on the bench, but he could barely move his body because of the professional restraints. His ass stayed firmly in place. His grunts and grimaces increased until he couldn't stand it anymore.

"YELLOW!" He screamed. Paula had applied ten licks to each ass cheek. Ruby was impressed he made it that far. Paula the same. She had not held back. Her intention was to get a safe word from him before the set was over. She achieved that goal.

"Nice." Paula rubbed his ass.

"Yes, Very." Ruby complemented, but in a low toned voice, unrecognizable to Chance.

"Your turn." Paula handed the paddle to Ruby. Ruby accepted the implement from Paula and moved into place.

"I think it's time to let you know who else is in the room with me." Paula said. "Are you curious who that might be?" She asked but looking at Ruby for permission to reveal her identity to Chance. Ruby nodded yes.

"Yes, Mistress Paula, I am curious." Chance replied.

"Mystery Mistress, would you like to tell him who has the honor of abusing his ass?" Paula smiled at Ruby.

Ruby leaned in close to Chances ear. "It's Madam Ruby to you. And I am about to beat the fuck out of your ass, then fuck that man pussy so vicious you will not be able to walk straight. Do you understand?" She ripped off his blind fold and moved around to stand in front of him.

Chance admired the golden skinned dominatrix body positioned in front of him. He could smell her sex niches from his face. A wonderful scent of vanilla and lavender bonded with the sweet smell of hot wet pussy.

"Y-.yes Mistress Ruby, I..." Chance struggled to talk. Ruby interrupted him.

"Madam Ruby! You will address me as Madam." She knelt down face to face with him. "Say it!" She demanded.

"Madam Ruby." Chance corrected himself.

"That's better. Don't screw up again. Mistress Paula, Madam Ruby."

"Yes, Madam Ruby." Chance still struggled to answer. Fear had welled up inside him. Ruby had that way with people, especially the submissive. Strong command of the situation.  She weaken her subjects before she took them completely to sub town.

"Don't worry honey, we will take good care of you. You will learn to enjoy the pain, and the pleasures that come with it." Ruby stood up and smiled at Paula. "We will honor the safe words, do your best to stay in the moment, everything will be ok."

Ruby took her position behind Chance. "You will count, and after each lick you will say, thank you madam. The next word is green if we are to continue. If you want a pause, use the word yellow. If you have had enough, red."

"Yes, Madam. Green." Chance felt ready, He also felt confident with Ruby behind him wheedling the paddle. He had ten licks remaining on each butt cheek.

Ruby drew back her implement. SPLAT! SU-SPLAT!
Chance tensed his but cheeks.

"Thank you Madam Ruby, one, green."

"Relax ass Whore, you will get through these better if you let go.  Leave your mind out if this. Float on the pain. Relish it."  Ruby's words encouraged, motivated and helped Chance keep from using a safe word.

SPLAT!  Splat!  Then a short pause. Chance thanked Ruby, counted out loud again, used his word "green".  Four more swats rained down on his tender ass.  Chance forced his body to relax. It worked to leave his head out of it. Not thinking about the pain.  Chance responded and addressed Madam Ruby with thanks, the count and his go ahead word.

Ruby had reached fifteen before Chance could not hold back anymore.

"Yellow!" Chance said through gritted teeth. Tears were leaking out the corners of his eyes. His body shook in pain from his reddened ass.  Ruby had distributed the paddle marks evenly across his fiery red ass.

"You did good honey. Fifteen is a higher streak than many of my experienced subs rarely reach.  We will finish easily when you are ready to restart.  I'm proud of you." Ruby smiled to herself. Chance made a very good sub. She was sure Paula would be even better.

Ruby's praise filled Chance with pride.  He wanted her approval, her respect and affirmation.  He needed that emotional support Ruby could give so well as a dominate. His dominant, for now.  

Paula made mental notes.  She noticed Ruby's persona, her command of Chance, the guidance she gave him, the encouragement he seemed to drink up.  It was as if she had hypnotized Chance to accept the ass punishment as a challenge, even though he should feel humiliated strapped to a fuck bench with two women towering over his vulnerable exposed naked body, beating his ass.

"Madam Ruby, Green."  Chance knew he could get through the next five on each ass pads. It would be over if he could. They could move on to the bussy session where Ruby had promised to fuck his lights out. He didn't doubt that but somehow expected Ruby to take him on that journey and get him through it.

Ruby lined up the paddle.  "Green."   No sooner had Chances lips closed after speaking, Ruby landed the heavy wooden paddle on his tender ass.  The other cheek drew the same abuse.   Chance thanked and counted and gave the go ahead.  Ruby kept a constant rhythm and Chance bumped along consistently, letting his brain ignore the pain and accept his fate.  

When the final blow landed and Ruby stepped back to admire her work, Chance confessed his last appreciation vocally and relaxed.  He felt his skin on fire, absorbed the pain, and did find pride that he had passed the sub-test of punishment for the enjoyment of others and himself. 

"Relax for a few minutes while Miss Paula and I get ready for your next scene.  Remember to breath, your body is still ours."  Ruby placed her hand on her new subs fiery red ass.  She looked at Paula, "You are so right Miss Paula, so fuckable." She giggled and stepped away to the closet.  Paula grinned and followed.

If you've gotten this far, thank you so much! Please vote and comment.  I've been slow to update lately, life has gotten busy.  Ruby has taken center stage now, but Paula is still involved.  She will soon have to submit to Ruby, and that's coming, I promise.  Paula is learning and observing Ruby, soaking in her skills and maturity as a dominatrix.  She craves to be as good as Ruby, but has accepted she needs to serve as a sub first to be the best dominatrix she can be.

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