Chapter 8

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Bucky's pov

   I'm in my old cell. My first cell. My wrists are tied behind my back and my movement is limited. My back is raw from being whipped. I have cuts all over me. I have a split lip and my head has been cracked open. Trying to take my mind off the pain, I look over to the right wall where there's a little hole. All the memories come back to me. But instead of all the bad ones, it's the good ones.

    I remember Y/n and I would talk through that hole. When I first got my metal arm, she helped me through the pain. And the first time I was wiped, she helped me to remember who I was. I can also remember hearing her sing. There would be days where they would wipe or torture her for hours on end and when they would return her to her cell, she would sing.

    When I first came here I lost about fifty pounds, due to not eating and the amount of blood lost. She would give me her rations and would always make sure that I got something to eat. She used to hide her food and she would hide the bread that they gave her. That way they wouldn't know and take it from her.

    I smile at the memories with her. She's the only reason I survived. She's the reason I escaped. Suddenly I hear the alarms start to go off. Then I hear the sound of gunshots being fired. "What the hell?" I whisper. Then out of nowhere, the door bursts open. And a single tear runs down my cheek.

Y/n pov

    "They should be here by now," I say pacing across the room. "They'll come. Don't worry Y/n," Peter says trying to calm me down. And right on cue, I can hear a plane landing. I rush outside to see three jets landing. This better be them. If not, we're in deep shit.

    Once they land I have my gun ready. Out walks a man, thankfully it's the same that was on the computer the other night. He is wearing a black suit with claws coming out of the fingers. To his right is the girl he was with and to his left is a taller bald woman. It's to her I have my gun pointed at.

    "Please, would you mind lowering your weapon?" The guy asks. "Name, and code word," I demand. Then out of nowhere I'm surrounded by a bunch of women. They all look very similar. Bald, spears, and red dresses. "Stand down. King T-Challa, the word is corndog," T-Challa says.

    I lower my gun and motion for them to follow. I make my way inside and swing my gun around my shoulder. Once everyone's in I close the doors behind them. "So you are the famous Red Soldier," the girl standing to the left of the king says.

    "I need your help," I tell them. Completely ignoring her question. Then Morgan runs up to T-Challa and he picks her up and holds her. There are about seventy-five people in here, not including me, Morgan, and Peter. "What's our plan for getting the Avengers back?" T-Challa asks.

    "Seeing as there are seventy-five of you, I will need twenty watching over Morgan. We will go in and raid them. Five will be on rescuing, and the rest will be to cover and keep the other soldiers distracted," I tell them. I then walk over to a table where I have a map and some pictures laid out of the base and the people in there.

    "This is Korbin Schneider," I say pointing to a photo of him. "He was in control of Hydra after Red Skull died. He is my problem. There will be soldiers in every room, every corner, and every door. These men are well trained. Only the best of the best can be a part of Hydra." Then the lady from before cuts me off, "They are no match for the Dora Milaje. We are highly trained."

    "Don't underestimate your opponent. Considering that I taught them. Along with other higher ups. We will leave at nightfall," I tell them. Out of nowhere the pain from earlier gets worse. I can start to feel not only the pain from my shoulder, but the pain in my neck. It's starting to feel like a knife is getting shoved into the back of my skull.

    I go to place my hand on the back of my neck. I touch it with my human hand, meaning I can feel the branding on the back of my neck. "Y/n, you ok?" Peter asks. "Fine, tell them what I told you last night and fill them in," I tell Peter. I then go to leave the room so I can lay down but as I'm walking I can feel it start to get worse.

    Whatever. I need to keep going. I need to get Bucky out of that hell hole! Tomorrow, I am going to kill Korbin. I will make him suffer. He wants a monster? Then a monster he'll get! 

Hi guys sorry that this chapter is short but the next chapter will be long. Have a blessed week!

A New Day (Book 2)Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon