Chapter 37

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Y/n's pov
Tony asks me a few more questions and eventually I leave. I head to the gym and start hitting the bag. I liked how in Wakanda they had that simulation thing, that was fun and could be quite beneficial for the team. I end up going for about two hours, and taking out five bags. I'm still trying to get the hang of this new arm. "Hello miss. Y/n. Please be in the meeting room in thirty minutes," Friday says. I nod and look to my real hand, which is now stained red.

I sigh and head to my room. I quickly take a shower, the moment the water touched my knuckles I let out a little hiss. It stings like hell. Once I'm dressed I grab the bandages and rap up my hand. I lean over the sink and sigh. I look into the mirror and I look exhausted. "How did I end up like this?"

I walk out of my bathroom and grab a Hudson MFG H9 and slip it in the back of my pants. I then grab my knife and the blade sharpener. These meeting get pretty boring. Once I get to the meeting room, I take a seat next to Bucky and Clint. Of course, Nick Fury is the first person to speak.

"Hello everyone, thank. You for coming here today, I would like to debrief your guys time away," Fury states. I sigh and bring out my knife and start to sharped it. "Well sir, as you know, we where on our way to Wakanda when we got an alert. We turned around and came back. All of us where taken except Y/n, who saved us," Steve explains. "It's been two in a half weeks since you've been gone,"Fury responds.

"We are well aware of that. We ended up going to Wakanda to get treated for our wounds. Since we where already there, they did the procedure on Y/n," Steve adds. "How long do you think this is going to be?" Bucky whispers into my ear. "Five days," I respond. We both let out a chuckle. "What happened to your hand?" Bucky asks. "Boxing, I'll be fine," I smile.

"I'm sorry, is this conversation boring you?" Fury asks. "Busted," Clint laughs. I punch him in the arm and he grabs his arm and starts rubbing it. "Yes actually," I respond. I can tell that this takes Fury by surprise. "Excuse me?" Fury asks in a flabbergasted tone. "You already know what happened. Why should we tell you?" I ask him. "Watch your tone. I need to know for the report that I have to send out," Fury says pissed.

"They were taken, I saved them. We went to Wakanda and had a soul searching trip. Came back and here we are now," I tell him. "Don't be a smart ass." Fury is now leaning against the table and staring me down. Tony laughs and we all turn our attention to him. "What's so funny Mr.Stark?" He asks. Tony whiles away a tear and looks at us. "Are you sure you want to mess with her?" He asks. What?

"Your nothing, compared to what she's been through. The worst thing you could do is yell at her," Tony laughs. "Anyway, I found something interesting," Tony says standing up. "Has anyone realized how many connections that this woman has to people?" Tony asks, now standing in front of everyone.

"What do you mean?" Natasha asks. "Look," Tony pulls up a scream showing Steve and Bucky. "She has met these two. She met Steve in the very beginning. She also had connections to Eirkenstine. Later on, she's had connections to my parents, then to Natasha. Later find out that she's had connections to Wanda and Pietro. She's had connections to Logan from the X-men. In a way she's had connections to Peter. She's had connections with Zemo. She's even had connections with eye patch and archer boy," Tony states.

"What do you mean?" Clint asks, I can tell that he's scared. "About three years back she had a mission to take out one of the people that you where supposed to watch. She ended up killing the man and you failed," Tony explains. "What? How do you know that she killed Dr. Allen?" Clint asks. "When Wanda was skipping through messages, I found an image of that Dr."

"Ok, but what about Fury?" Steve asks. Tony looks over to him and smiles. " You want to answer that?" Tony smirks. We all look over to him in confusion. Including myself. "It was when I was first starting out. She infiltrated the building. She killed my commissioner and took a drive. The drive had top secret information on it. Me and about three other agents where able to escape," Fury explains.

Then everyone looks at me. " I don't remember any of this. But I'm sorry," I sigh. I feel like shrinking, but I don't show it. "Why are you bringing this up?" Bucky asks, taking my hand. "Think about it, what do they all have in common?" Tony asks. Everyone just sits there dumbfounded.

Tony sighs and pinches the bridge of his nose. "They where all a threat to Hydra. I did some more digging and apparently the file that she took was based off of the Avenger and the threats that each and everyone of us held. Hydra has had tags on us from the very beginning. They would often have people that would spy on us, but now that there gone it ended up working out in our favor," Tony finishes.

"Why is this important?" I ask. "It isn't, I just thought that it was interesting and I wanted to talk," Tony says. Bring my hand to my face and shake my head in disappointment. This man is truly and idiot.

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