Chapter 29

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Steve's pov

We end up skipping through Y/n's memories. After watching the way that they broke Y/n, it makes me wonder about Bucky. He never really told me how they broke him. I know that he was fighting them for around twenty years before they actually broke him, but how? I know that Korbin was the one who truly killed Peter, but I don't understand how Y/n could kill her own brother. We end up getting to the memory of Tony's parents.

I can tell by the place that their hiding. The first time I watched this and knew that it was Bucky's, we always were curious on who the other person was. I guess now we know, and we get to see it though her eyes. Y/n looks over to Bucky, both of their eyes are so different. Both once filled with life, are now clouded behind. Filled with a mission to kill.

"This is it," I hear Tony say. I love the guy, but I don't think that this is smart. Y/n signals for Bucky to turn on his bike. The lights go on and the bikes start up. I look over to Bucky who's looking away and holding Y/n hand. I know that he hates this. Considering that most of the images have been of her and him. He's tried to skip most of the ones where their killing, but Tony being Tony.

They end up spotting the car and they chase it down. Bucky pops the tier and the car swivels into a tree. I walk over to Tony and put my hand on his shoulder. Y/n and Bucky hop off their bikes and walk up to the car. Bucky not wearing his mask, but Y/n is. I wonder if it's because he knew Howard? Bucky goes over and chokes Tony's dad, while Y/n walks to the other side of the car and opens up the door. Y/n grabs Maries throat. "Howard," she cries. Y/n freezes. "Stop!" A voice echoes. Y/n grabs her gun and turns around and points it to nothing. "Wait! That was Y/n's voice," Natasha points out.

"Stay out of it," The Red Soldier growls back. There's a difference in the voices. The Red Soldier's voice is deep and menacing. While Y/n's is softer and quieter. "She was trying to break through Tony," Natasha adds. Y/n then squeezes her neck, killing her. Instead of seeing hatred on Tony's face, it's sorrow. The image ends and the screen goes black. "Tony, talk to us," I speak. "I want to see what happened during out time away," he says.

"Mr.Stark, Morgan and I already told you. Nothing happened," Peter says. He ended up coming back in after a few minutes Bucky kicked him out. "I need to see it," Tony protests. "Wanda-" "Yeah yeah, I know," Wanda interrupts. She's starting to get tired and drained. I don't like the way that Tony has been going about this. I look back over to Bucky, he's been quiet for a while, not really looking at the screen anymore. I sigh and look back towards the screen. Images flash through and for a second I see an image of Wanda and Pietro. I can tell that Tony also saw this.

Finally the screen shows Y/n in the jet. Peter and Morgan apparently snuck on the jet, Y/n made them sit down and buckle up. Wanda basically had it on like a fast forward. The plane ends up crashing and opening up to a snowy scenery. She grabs a duffle bag and throws guns, amo, food, and some jackets, along with a med kit. Y/n grabs two jackets, one for Peter and one for Morgan. Y/n has on a black leather jacket, with fur. On the left arm it has the hydra logo.

They start their treck through the woods. After about fifteen minutes in, Morgan starts to become tired. Not only hat but Morgans lips are purple along with her hands. The snow falling on them also doesn't help. "Hold on second Peter," Y/n says. She takes off her jacket, leaving her in a black tank top. She wraps her jacket around Morgan and carries her. After about three hours or so of hiking, she's carrying both Peter and Morgan. "See! Does it look like she's hurting us?" Peter asks. "I need to be sure Peter! She's a murder!" Tony snaps.

The room goes silent. Y/n arm is starting to grow icicles and her hair is sticking together. She's literally freezing to death. They end up getting to some cabin. She sets them down and opens up some compartment in her arm. "What is this place?" Tony asks. Once Y/n opens the door she immediately goes to the bathroom and starts up the shower. Both Peter and Morgan are shaking. She lights candles, seeing as it's pitch black. She get's the water running and goes back over to the kids. "Ok I need you two to get in the shower but leave on your underwear," she tell them. "It should be warm. I'll be in a little bit with boiling water," she adds.

Y/n exits the bathrooms and closes the door. She rushes outside and grabs some wood. She through it in the fire place, along with some paper. She grabs a blow torch and puts it on lock, leaving it there to burn. She goes and turns on three heaters and then rushes and grabs a tea pot. The cabin is actually quiet nice. It's like a three room square. There's a bunkbed on the side of the wall, opposite from the fire. A rug on the floor, a "kitchen" it's basically cabinets and a sink, and the bathroom.

She fills the tea pot up with water and places it on the fire place. She grabs a pot and opens the cabinet. She grabs some canned food and places it in the pot and then puts it on the fire place. Once the water starts boiling she opens the bathroom door and hands it to Peter. "This will help warm you up. Poor it on the floor away from your feet and around the walls. It should help warm you two up," she says. She grabs some clothes from her duffel bag and places them over the fire mantel.

Y/n hasn't stopped once, she's purple, her hair is stuck together due to the heavy snow. Her metal arm is completely frozen, stuck in the position that it was when she was carrying Morgan. Once Peter and Morgan come out wrapped in towels, she hands Peter a set of clothes and he walks into he bathroom to change. While Y/n helps Morgan change. The clothes are huge on her. Y/n herself, she's a great woman, who has a big heart. If Tony really hates her after this, that's on him, not her.

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