Chapter 13

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 Red Soldiers pov

    After I left I went to the main part of the pane and sat in the corner. After about ten minutes, Sam and Winter come out. I can feel Winters eyes on me but I keep my gaze forward. They walk over to the table where two other men are standing. Captain America, and a king. 

    I see Winter write something and then slide it over to Captain and the king. The king takes a minute to read it and then says,"I'll contact Shuri. Once we land she'll know what to do." After he says that him and Sam walk away to another room. Captain walks over to Winter and leans against the table with Winter. "You doing ok Buck? How's your back?" Captain asks, lifting up Winters shirt. I can see that he tried to bandage himself up but it's bleeding threw the cloth. Poor thing.

    "It's fine. It'll heal. So how much longer till we're at Wakanda?" Winter asks. "About another hour," Mr.America replies. Winter walks over to me and takes a seat. He leaves a seat in between us. I watch the Captain America leave the room. Making it just me and a traitor.

    "It's been a while красный солдат." (Red soldier) He says breaking the silence. "Ваш предатель и неудачник," I tell him bluntly but also mad. (Your a traitor and a failure). "I left because they where the bad guys. Do you not see that?" He asks. "I'm no traitor Winter. I survive and listen to orders like I was made to do," I add. "I see. Now can I ask you this?" He asks. I look into his eyes and I can see someone different. Someone with life. "Can I talk to Y/n?" He asks.

    I go back to staring across the room. "HeT," I tell him. "Why?" He asks, but I can tell that he's annoyed. "She let me take control," I explain. Winter stands up infront of me. I stand up although I'm shorter, I can take him down. "Let her out," he says but this time it's more of a command. "Your not in an ideal condition to fight. And your not my master," I tell him. 

    As I go to walk away he grabs my hand and pins me against the wall. "Listen to me damn it! This isn't who you are. You're name is Y/n Y/m/n Y/l/n. You are 108 years old. Your favorite color is Y/f/c and you love daisies and black eyed susans. You love singing and you love cleaning your guns. Please, please come back to me," he pleads. "I'll give you three seconds to get off me," I growl. He lets go of me and I start walking away. Right as I get to the door I get a throbbing pain in my head. And suddenly, I'm somewhere else. 

    I'm in some sort of a room. I turn around to see a girl. She, almost looks familiar. Her hair has crimson streaks, and behind her ear are hearing aids. "Who are you?" I ask. She turns around and I see someone I once new. But different. "Crimson widow, you must be The Red Soldier. Telling by your arm. Winter has told me story's about how you trained him," Crimson explains. She puts her hand out for me to shake. I shake it with caution. She looks young, and familiar. Then, it all leaves.

Y/n pov

    Suddenly, I'm back inside the plane. I quickly stand up and take in my surroundings. "Y/n are you ok?" I turn around to see Bucky. "James? Who was that?" I ask him. "Who was what?" He asks me confused. I could feel him. "Where's-" but I'm cut off. "Everyone, please take a seat and buckle up. We are now entering Wakanda." I hear over the intercoms.

    "Come on lets go sit," Bucky says. I sit next to Bucky and T-Challa. I can't help but think about what I saw. And who ever that was, they saw me. "Let me back in." I look up to see the Red Soldier, sitting in the seat across from me. "No," I tell her. I can feel Bucky's eyes on me. But I don't care. 

    "You liked it though, didn't you? The anger, I'm the only reason we got our master. If you just let me take control, you don't have to worry. I would keep us and your friends safe," she says. I just ignore her. I look crazy enough as is. I'm probably just tired. "You know, he looks a lot like him." I look over to her confused. "The kid, Peter. He looks like him," she says. I nod my head and then lean back in the seat.

    Once we finally land, we walk out to the most beautiful city ever. I walk out of the plane and I see tall buildings every where. They almost look futuristic. There are guards everywhere. They all look so a like, red dress, bald with tattoos on their heads, and they cary spears. "This is the safest city in the world. We're going to stay here for a little," Bucky whispers into my ear. 

    "You should test that theory," Red says. Another plane lands next to us. Then the plane opens up and walks down Peter, Tony, Natasha, and Morgan. Both Peter and Morgan run up to me and tackle me into a hug. "Y/n!" Morgan exclaims. I bend down to her level and look her in they eyes. "How are you my little rose?"I ask her.

    "Good," she laughs. I nod my head and stand up. I look at Tony and remember that he doesn't want me near them. "How about you go be with your father," I tell her. She nods her head and runs off. "Everyone else is still about an hour away. I'll show you guys where you'll be staying," T-Challa says. 

    After we are all showed to our rooms it's about 5:37 p.m. I go to sit on the bed that the king gave to me and I just lay there. Thinking about earlier. Maybe Red is right? Should I let her take control? She's been around longer then I have. But she's ruthless. And if I give her control again, what if I can't break out. Maybe it would be better that way? 

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