Halloween special!!!

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Y/n's pov

It's October 31, which is a Holliday called Halloween. Hydra never did holidays, sometimes James and I would have missions and we would sneak out but other then that, today means nothing to me. It's 9:37 am. I just got done my three hour work out and I head to my room. Once I'm right about to hop in the shower Tony calls an i regency meeting. I roll my eyes and turn off the water and head down.

Once I get to the floor everyone is there waiting for me. "There will be a Halloween party tonight at seven. You have to be in some sort of costume and you all know the rule, you have to show up for at least two hours," Tony says. I roll my eyes. I hate these party's, they mean nothing and their stupid. I have much better things to do like go on patrol or be in the gym.

"Do you have a problem with this robo cop?" Tony asks. "Nope," I say in a harsh tone. I turn and leave the room. Once I'm back in my room I turn on the cold water and hop in the shower. Once I get out I get dressed and braid my hair in a dutch braid. I grab black jeans and one of Bucky's sweatshirts. Peter and I are supposed to hangout later, he said that he has a half day in school. I walk out to the common room where Bucky, Steve, Sam, and Natasha are sitting at the table looking at a computer.

"Y/n, what do you want to be?" Bucky asks me. "I don't care," I tell them. I go into the cabinet and grab the coffee. I poor the coffee grounds into the chemix and wait for the coffee to brew. "Come on Y/n this will be fun!" Bucky says. He comes behind me and hugs me. I can't help but melt into his arms. "I see you stole my sweatshirt again," Bucky says with a smile. "What are you gonna do about it Zima?" I ask. He kisses my forehead and walks away. "I'll have Nat and Wanda pick something out for you," Bucky's says with a smile. I smile back at him and then turn my attention to my coffee.

I grab a to go mug and poor my coffee. I close it up with a lid and make my way to Peter's school. As I'm walking I breath in the fresh Autumn air. Once I get to Peter's school I wait for him to get out. Once he comes out I spot him with Mj and Ned. 'Hey Y/n, is it cool of Ned and Mj tag along?" Peter asks. "Sure thing," I respond. As we're walking down the street I ask the kids about their day and what they did. "Did Tony tell you about the party?" Peter asks. I just shake my head and sigh.

  "You know how I feel about parties," I tell him. "Yeah but I mean it's Halloween," Peter exclaims. "Peter, I'm a hundred year old assassin. That parties I went to where gala's where I would murder someone," I tell him. Mj and Ned laugh at this, but Peter's been in my head, he's seen this, he knows what I mean. "Do you have a costume at least?" Peter asks. "Natasha and Wanda are picking n outfit out for me," I respond.

  I end up taking the kids out to lunch and then we walk around the park. "So Y/n," MJ starts. "I have a World War Two assignment and I was wondering if you could help me with it?" MJ asks. "Sure," I smile. "Although, Steve and Bucky actually got to grow up in that area," I tell her. "Yeah but, you know the Nazi side of it," MJ says. I smile and nod. "You know, you really don't fit your part," Ned says. I turn around and give him a look of confusion. "Well what I mean by that is that you look like this 'tough nothing can hurt me person,'" he tries to impersonate me. "And the 'I've killed hundreds of people.'" Again trying to mimic me. "Thousands," I correct him. Now he's the one to wear a confused look.

  "The point is that Neds trying to get across, is that your really nice. I mean, not so much to the avengers, but to me and Morgan, your like a mother," Peter jumps in. "Well thank you," I smile. I look down to my watch and see that it's 3:28. "I should head back, I have some things that I need to do before the party," I tell them. We say goodbye and I head back to the tower.

  Once I get back it's about four and the tower is decked out. There's spiders, fake cobwebs, fake blood, normal decorations. "So Y/n, what do you think?" Tony asks pleased with himself. "Well it's obvious that you decorated it," I say with a smirk and I can tell that that angered Tony. "What's that supposed to mean?!" He shouts. I smile to myself and head out of the room.

  Bucky and I have been watching movies and just hanging out. About an hour before the party, Natasha and Wanda come in the room. "We found a costume!" The two of them say in unison. Bucky and I smile and laugh at their enthusiasm. Bucky leaves the room and Wanda and Nat drag me into the bathroom. "Bucky's going to be a vampire so we got you a black dress, with black heals and we where," Wanda starts all excited. "So where a vampire couple," I finish for them. "Yeah, I mean not even death can keep you guys apart," Natasha says. "Ok, I trust you guys," I tell them.

  They tell me to put on a black sparkly dress so I do, then they sit me down in the chair. They do my makeup, a classic Smokey eye along with bright red lipstick. "Ok, open wide," Natasha says. "I beg your pardon?" I hate this I hate this I hate this. "We have fake teeth," Wanda says. Whatever, whatever, it's fine. "Just give me the teeth," I say, handing out my hand. I take the teeth and look in the mirror and put them on. I look to my neck and see that they even put on the bite marks. "Can we just get this over with?" "Oh come on Y/n, it'll be fun," Wanda says.

  I look to my arm and see that they didn't do anything to it. "Guess it's a good thing that it's Halloween," I say to my self. "We just have to put your hair up," Natasha says. "I think it's fine," I tell them. The arm and the low back is enough, I don't want people to see the branding though. I may be free, but I still wear their mark. We make our way to the main floor and you can tell that Tony called in a professional. I spot Bucky by the bar. He has his hair up in a man bun.

  I smile, I love it when he has his hair up. I think its hot. He's in a black suit, he has in the fake teeth, along with the red bite marks. He also has some blood coming from his mouth. I walk up to him and order a drink. "Well hello there miss Y/n," he greets. "Whisky," I order. "You are the prettiest princess out there," I say with a chuckle. He laughs and kisses me on the cheek. "No one is prettier than you doll," he says. I can feel my cheeks turn red. "Such a ladies man," I laugh. Bucky goes to whisper something in my ear, "How much make up did it take for them to cover you up?" He asks.

  "You don't want to know," I laugh. The man hands me my drink, then MJ and Peter walk up to Bucky and I. Peter's in a suit with green paint on him, along with MJ. "Hey Y/n, you and Mr.Barnes look nice," he says. "You can just call me Bucky kid," James says. "Right. So are you guys Vampires?" He asks. I nod. "Zombies?" Bucky asks. "Yes sir," MJ responds. Ned calls the two over and they end up leaving. Bucky and I just laugh. People are taking shifts handing out candy, and right now Tony and I are up. I head down and Tony and I wait at the door. "Enjoying the party?" He asks. "Yeah, it's great," I say with a fake smile. I would much rather be on patrol. Although they don't know that I've been doing that so I can't say anything.

  We have gotten many kids with Iron man, Black Widow, and Captain America's. I even saw a few Bucky's. Then a mom and a little girl come up. "Trick to Treat." The girl has a German accent and she's dresses as...me? "Your arms on the wrong side," Tony says. "Net," she responds. Her mother looks at her. "Sorry, I'm trying to teach her English," the mother explains. "I'm dressed up as Y/n," the little girl says. "Are you dressed like her too?" She asks. "Sorta, I respond. "Well, her arm doesn't look like that," she says. "Was wäre, wenn ich dir sagen würde, dass ich sie bin?" Her eyes go wide and she drops her bag and hugs me. I freeze, not to sure on what to do. I look Tony who gives ma a 'hug her back'. So I do.

  "Give her an extra chocolate bar," I tell Tony. Her eyes go wide and she starts jumping in excitement. She starts asking questions about my arm and some other things. Once she leaves she's going on and on about how she met me to her mom in German. This makes me smile, I've always been in that shadows and now people are starting to see me. "What did you say to her?" Tony asks. "Huh? Oh, I said 'what if I told you I was her,'" I explain. "You know, your not that bad," Tony says. "To kids at least, to everyone else though your a little grumpy." I have herd that twice now.

  I look to my right and see the Red Soldier. "You know I'm cooler," she says. "Yeah yeah," I respond. Once we head back in Bucky and I have a couple dances, then once everyone leaves, we play some games together and chill. Once we're done Bucky and I head to our room and get all cleaned up. I haven't been able to stop smiling ever since that girl. I go to bed with a smile on my face. Things will be alright, and tomorrow will be a new day.

HAPPY HALLOWEEN!! Sorry I forgot to post last night due to some family matters but I whipped this up and hope that you guys enjoyed it!! Happy Tuesday!!!

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