Chapter 32

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Y/n's pov

  "Y/n. Y/n," the voice sings. I open my eyes and see Bucky. I smile at him and he smiles back. "It's time to get up, we're going to be going home today," Bucky smiles. He sits at the bottom of the bed and puts his shoes on. I sit up and look at him and smile. "How'd you sleep?" James asks. "Fine actually, you?" I ask back. "Like a baby," he replies. He stands up and gives me a peck on the forehead. I grab him by the shirt and I stand up.

  I grab him by the collar of his shirt and pull him in for a sweet passionate kiss. We end up pulling away, needing air. I smile at him and he smiles back. I try to look him in the eyes, but I can't. "I can't hear her," I tell him. "Who?" He asks. "The Red soldier. I feel like... I feel like me," I tell him.

  He looks at me and smiles. He places his hands on my cheeks and kisses me. I grab onto his arms and smile at him. "I'm so glad to hear that," he smiles. And of course my arm decides to just give out and stop working. This makes my entire body just jolt to the side. Bucky has a look of confusion on his face. "Are you ok?" He asks in a worried tone. "Fine, my arm's just. It's fine," I tell him. I grab the hand and rest it on my other arm, in a cross crossed way.

  He picks up my arm and inspects it. "What's wrong with it?" He asks. "When I got shot, the bullet went in between the scar tissue and the metal. That and being in the cold, the mainframe isn't working anymore. Meaning it keeps on glitching," I explain. "Why didn't you tell Shuri?" Bucky asks.

  I look down to my feet and sigh. "Because I don't like feeling this way. I also feel like I've asked her for so much," I explain. "But you haven't asked her for anything," Bucky says. I look at him confused. "You didn't ask to be helped, they just wanted to and you agreed. Look I'll talk to her and I know for a fact that she'll say yes," Bucky reassures me. I smile and once we're ready we head down to the room that we where at yesterday.

  "Good morning Y/n, how did you sleep?" Shuri asks. "Fine," I respond. "Good, now Bucky has told me that your having trouble with your arm," Shuri says. I look at Bucky confused. How did he tell her? He pulls out his phone from his pocket, it's as if he knows what I'm thinking. "So what I'm going to do, for your's and our protection, is I'm actually going to de-arm you," Shuri say, so proud of her pun. I actually crack a smile.

  "Will you have a seat on the table?" She more so commands. I do as she says and take a seat on the metal table. She has some sort of saw. "Ok, so you need a new arm anyway. I saw that yesterday it stopped working, which isn't very good, so I was up with Peter and we made you a new arm. But since we have to test to see if the results from yesterday worked, I'm just going to temporarily get rid of your arm," she explains.

   I nod my head, considering that I've been armless before. I look down to my arm and smile. I'll finally be able to detach myself from the thing that labels me apart of Hydra. Bucky had the star, which could also just be Russia, but I have the Hydra logo. I tried to get it off with Peter one night back at the tower but it didn't work. "Ok can you lay down?" Shuri asks. I lay down and the moment she starts up the saw the image of the dr.s, Red Skull, Korbin, and Zola standing over me flashes in my head. I just up with a panic and grab my head.

  "Woah Y/n, are you ok? What happened?" Bucky asks. "I-I'm sorry," I stammer. "It's ok, what did you see?" Bucky asks. "Nothing," I lie. "Lire," Bucky smiles. "It's fine, lets just get this over with," I say laying back down. "Are you ready?" Shuri asks. I nod my head and the saw starts back up. I squeeze my eyes shut and I can see that room all over again. I can practically feel the pain of my arm being sawed off. Just another minute I tell myself.

  "Done," Shuri says, literally holding my arm. I open my eyes and sit up. "Ok, I'll be right back," Shuri leaves the room. Making it just Bucky and I. "What did you see Y/n?" Bucky asks again. "It was when they cut off my arm," I tell him. If I want to gain people's trust, I have to start trusting them. But that's easier said then done. Bucky hugs me, and I can only give him a one arm hug back. "Thank you for talking to me," he smiles. I smile back and then Shuri and about ten other guards come in behind her.

"Bucky, will you and Shuri please step outside?"Okoya asks. Bucky takes Shuri and I watch him leave the room. He gives me a smile right before he closes the door. I look to Okoya and she gives me a reassuring smile. "We are going to see if what we did yesterday is going to work," she explains. I look to the ground and sigh, "It's not going to work." "Have a little faith," she smiles.

As I'm sitting on the metal table, about three more guards come in and they are all in a ready to fight position. "Fight, monster, pain.' I can feel tears start to well up in my eyes, flashes run through my head. "Eight, bomb, brother." My brother, the house blowing up, I was eights when they took me. "Lover, betrayal, dusk." Edman, the one I loved, Korbin he said that he was here to help me. It was Dusk when they ripped me away from my family. "Twenty three." The year was 1923.

The room goes silent and that's when I realize, I'm still me. I smile and break down into tears. "Your not a slave anymore," Okoya says. I can hear the door open and I can feel Bucky's presence. "Thank you Okoya," Bucky thanks her. Everyone leaves the room and it's just Bucky and I. I cry into him for a little bit, but it doesn't matter, I'm allowed to cry. I'm allowed to cry, I'm allowed to dance, to sing, to eat. I'm not apart of Hydra anymore.

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