Chapter 33

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Y/n pov

Come the after noon, everyone's packing up the jet getting ready to leave. I'm back in the lad with Shuri, she's replacing my old Hydra one with a new one. Instead of the dark black one like Bucky's has, she gives me a silver one. "I figured that you already had a black one, so why not give you a fresh, new one," Shuri smiles. Once she's done attaching the new arm, she's helping me with feel. I haven't been able to feel anything on the upper right side of my body since I got my arm sawed off.

When they took it off they also cut through the nerves, cause it me numbness. "Thank you," I say in almost a whisper. "Of course! A friend of Mr.Barnes is a friend of Wakanda," she says with a smile. How old is this girl? She can't be to much older then Peter. Once she's all done with my arm, I head to the jet. Once I get there everyone has packed up the jet and are ready to go.

Peter swings above my head and into the jet. I grab my duffle bag and make my way to the jet. "Woah, nice arm Y/n!" Peter exclaims. His child like voice makes me smile, the fact that he's so innocent and sweet. I walk over to the closet and place my bag in it. I step out and everyone is saying goodbye and thank you. I walk out and go up the Shuri first. "Thank you, for everything," I thank her. I then go over to King T-Challah. "Thank you your majesty. It was an honor to work with you," I thank him.

"It was an honor to work with you and an honor to be able to see the real Y/n Y/L/n," he adds. "I have one question though," I start. "Where is Korbin going?" I ask. "He will be going to the raft. We will have extra security on him. You will no longer have to worry about him," he tells me. "Thank you." I really am quite thankful for this place.

We board the jet and shockingly I'm the one to fly it. As I'm sitting in the pilot seat, over coms I tell them, "Buckle up, taking off in thirty seconds." I wait thirty seconds and start up the jet and we take off. Once we're in the sky's I say over coms, "You are free to get up." I can hear all the buckles unclip and everyone stands up. I look behind me, sensing a presence. To no surprise it's Bucky. I put the plane on auto pilot and go up and hug him.

"How's the new arm?" He asks. "I can actually feel things," I tell him. "I haven't been able to feel thing since," I pause. "That's the nice part about those people. They want to help," Bucky says. We head out and everyone is sitting at their seats. "When's the AT?" Tony asks. "We should be there in about five hours," I tell him. "So, I guess we have to do a lot of cleaning when we get home," Steve says. "Nah, I hired a maid last night," Tony says.

The ride is pretty boring, I ended up taking it off of auto pilot. I don't fully trust technology, also to there was nothing else to do. Once we land everyone rushes out of the plane. Tony and Morgan rush to a lady with strawberry blond hair. Peter rushes to two people, a girl and a boy. Clint and Nat go to a lady with four kids, Bruce goes over to a lady in a lab coat, and the rest of us unload the plane.

It feels like it's been forever since we were here. I'm so glad that we're back though. This has been mentally and physically draining. I grab my bag and head to my room. "Hey Y/n, meet back here in two hours," Tony says. I nod my head and leave the place. Once I get back to my room I throw my bag on the bed and open it up. I grab my knives and from the dresser, I grab my knife sharpener. I walk out to the balcony and just sit on the ledge sharpening my knives.

I once they're all sharpened, I grab my guns and start to clean them. I look over to the clock and it reads 5:28. I grab my stuff and bring it inside. I lay them all out on the bed and head back to the main quarters. Everyone is sitting at the table and the smell is amazing. "Y/n, come have a seat," Tony welcomes. Why is he being nice? I go ever and take a seat next to Bucky and Clint. "You want some Pizza?" Bucky asks. "Uhh, sure," I respond. "What kind?" He asks. "You pick," I smile. He grabs a triangle piece of food and puts it on my plate. I take a bite and not gonna lie, best thing I've ever tasted.

We end up sitting there for a while. Everyone talking and enjoying each other's company. I think we're all happy to be home too. Those two weeks felt like three months. "So, what exactly happened?" A lady next to Peter asks. She's a little bit older looking with Auburn hair. "It was a long mission," Tony says. It wasn't really a mission, they got captured. I don't say anything though. "It was fine Aunt May," Peter says. And Peter just lied to his Aunt.

We end up moving to the couches. Bucky's sitting at the end and I'm sitting on the floor in front of him. I stay quiet for most of the night, I don't really see a reason to be talking. "What about that time Natasha used her widow bite on Tony?" Clint says laughing. Natasha and Steve end up laughing historically. "That wasn't funny and you know it!" Tony scolds. "What about you Y/n?" Thor asks. "Huh?" "What is a funny prank you pulled?" Thor reiterates.

"Dude she was literally in a place where if she were to do that she'd probably get shot," Tony says. "No, I actually have one," I tell them. "I was about fifteen, and me and my friend Edman pulled a prank on his father," I tell them. "Wait, is Edman that Swedish kid?" Tony asks. I nod my head. "Who was his father?" Steve asks. "Zola," I tell him. everyone's eyes go wide. "We ended up blaming it on two other guards, it was a hole thing we had with this guard," I tell them. "So what was the prank?" Clint asks.

Oh boy what was the prank??? Who🤷‍♀️knows

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