Chapter 18

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Y/n pov

Shuri and Peter end up coming back in, this time with more people. It's Tony, Steve, Wanda, the king, and Bruce. "How are we feeling?" Shuri asks. "Fine," I respond. "How this is going to work is that Wanda and I will go into you mind and pick out the information we need. So basically your programming and trying to find the Red Soldier." Shuri explains.

"We did something similar to Bucky. But we can deactivate the words and her," Shuri says. Her meaning the Red Soldier. "Do it. Do what ever it takes." I'm ready to be done with this whole mess. I want to go home, I want it to be silent. "Wait, you said that Wanda will be in my head, right?" I ask.

"Yes, I will," Wanda says. I think for a minute. Thinking about the horrors that she would see. "You don't have to do this if you don't want to," I tell her. "Why wouldn't I?" She asks. "Because the stuff that you will see," I pause. "It won't be pretty," I finish. "I'm willing to meet the real you," she says with a smile. "When can we do this?" I ask. "We can start the first trial tomorrow morning," Shuri says. "Thank you. For everything," I say expressing my gratitude.

Once everyone leaves it's just me, Bucky. I stand up from the bed and walk over to Bucky. "Thank you." I've been saying that word a lot today. "For what?" Bucky asks with a confused look on his face. "For not giving up on me. I can't believe that I let myself get that low. So, thank you," I inform him. "Y/n, I will never leave you. I will be here with you every step of the way," he reassures me.

Bucky ends up walking me back to my room. "Here ya go," he says with a smile. "Actually, do you want to go for a walk?" I ask. "I don't want to be alone and I need to do something besides sit," I tell him. His face lights up, "Of course!"

We walk out of the castle and walk around the streets of Wakanda. "This place is so lively," I tell Bucky. "Yeah. When I first came here everyone was willing to help me. This place proved to me that there are good people out there," he comments. As we're walking around, we stop by a fruit vender. "Would you like anything?" Bucky asks. "I'm ok," I respond with a smile. "Have you ever had mango?" He asks. I shake my head.

  "What's mango?" I ask. The vender looks at me with wide eyes. I look over to her. She has long brown hair that's up in dreadlocks. She's wearing a pink and blue dress, with long hoop earrings. "How have you never had mango?" She asks. Her accent is thick and beautiful. "I thought Americans loved exotic fruits," the woman adds.

  Bucky just laughs. "Technically I'm not American. I'm German but with a Russian accent but sometimes an American accent," I explain. I try to use and American accent, since it's more normal to the team. But if it's just me, I perfume to keep my Russian accent. "Well, since it's your first time, I'll give it to you for free," the lady says. "I'll even prepare it like my mother wold," she adds.

  "That would be lovely," Bucky responds. The lady grabs a green and yellows orange fruit. Assuming that this is a mango. "These are the nicest people that you will ever meet. Their all nothing but welcoming," Bucky adds. After a few minutes the vender comes back with a plate in hand. "Oranges, coconut, and of course mange doused in honey," the vender says, pointing to each fruit. I thank her and take the plate. I grab a piece of the mango, yes with my hands, and take a bite. It's really sweet and juicy. My eyes light up, this is so good!

"I have no clue how people live in Russia," I say. Both Bucky and the vender laugh. Then three kids come up to Bucky and I. "Excuse me, can you play with us? We need one more player," a little boy asks. I look over to a group of little kids. In the cloud I spot Morgan. "Sure," I smile. Bucky takes my plate of fruit and I run off with the kids.

Bucky's POV

I take Y/n plate of assorted fruit from her and watch her run off with the kids. "Hey Bucky," I turn around to see Wanda. "Hey Wanda," I greet. "Would you mind if I were to talk with you about something?" She asks me. I look over to Y/n and see that she's perfectly fine. Meaning the kids will be fine.

"Sure, what's on your mind?" I ask her. We start to walk away from the crowd. "It's about tomorrow," she starts. "Tony want's everything to be projected." "What?!" I yell in disbelief. "Why?" I ask in a little bit calmer voice. "I know, I know. I don't like this either. But it's Tony," she says in a much calmer manner.

"I mean Tony has no right to go into her mind like that. Not to mention the things he's going to see. Who knows how far back your going to have to go to get to the start of her programming," I tell her. "He want's closer with his parents," she explains. I sigh, knowing that that's a tough subject for Tony. "How do we do that? How do we see wha your seeing?" I ask Wanda.

"Shuri said that when I go in, she'll hook up my brain to a screen. That way you can all see what I see. It's the only way Bucky," Wanda says. I sigh and pinch the bridge of my nose. I look over to see kids hanging from her metal arm, while another kid is painting her face. "I'll tell her later. She's not gonna like it though. I don't think that she so much cares about you being in her head, it's more so what you guys are going to see," I tell her.

"But I saw you," Wanda says. "Not only was she there for longer, but because of how strong willed she is, it was harder for them to break her," I say. Wanda and I both look over to Y/n. "She looks so happy," Wanda says. "Yeah," I start. "She's been through so much. Coming out of Hydra can honestly be worst then being in Hydra. To see her smile, it makes my heart happy," I add.

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