Chapter 10

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Y/n pov

    As I sit there and wait for the third rotation I have about forty-five minutes until the next changing of guards come. I need to disable the cameras then take care of the guards. I'll hide them, and sneak in. I look down to my watch and see that I still have about twenty minutes left, before I can take them out. 

    I could take them out now but the best thing to do is to be patient. After about five minutes Okoye comes back and takes a seat next to me. "I'm going in," she says about to walk and start a fight. I put my hand infront of her, stopping her. I look at her and shake my head. I mouth 'patient' to her. 

    Once she sits back down I point to the cameras and how there's eleven minutes and forty eight seconds left until the next rotation. "Why not go now?" She asks quietly. "We need more time," I tell her. We end up waiting and once the new guards come I take my shot.

    Once they come I put on my silencer to my riffle and take out the cameras. Once there down I take out the guards. I quickly hop down from the tree and move my hand telling Okoye to fallow. We drag the bodies up into the trees, facing away from the base. Once the cost is clear I break in. 

    Once we get in I instantly hear foot steps. I point up to the vent and we quickly climb in. Right as we get in two guards walk right below us. I look at Okoye and give her a nod. We start our treck through the vents. Once we get close to the elevator we hop out of the vents and make sure it's clear. "We need to go down to the next level. Help will be coming in an hour," I tell Okoye. "Why don't we just attack now?" She asks. "It's not the time. We need more people. Trust me," I insure her. The last time I broke someone out of here was a man who was a lot older then he seemed, not to mention his rage and anger. 

    As we're walking down the halls, we constantly have to keep hiding. Eventually we get where we need to be. There should be a big explosion in five minutes, so it will get the guards attention and they'll all race over. That way Okoye and I can focus on getting everyone else out safely. I look down to my watch and count down on my fingers. Five, four, three, two, one. BAM! The alarms go off and guards left and right start fleeing. 

    Okoye and I get out of the closest that we were hiding in and make a break away for the cells. As we're running I'm shooting at the soldiers and we just truck them all. Taking them all out. That's when we come across the first three people. Tony, Sam, and Clint. I walk up to the bars and see Clint in the corner of his cell. He's bound by his hands and other then some little cuts and bruises he seems fine. I grab the bars and open them with my bare hands. "Undo their chains and I'll open up the doors," I tell Okoye.

    "Since when are you the one giving the orders?" She asks, her voice filled with snarckyness. I do the same for Sam and Tony. Once their all out of their cells they all look at me in concussion and disbelief. "Sam, and Tony, your suits are out by the ship. Get them and join the fight. Clint there's a bow and arrows on the ship as well. If you can't fight, don't. Okoye, help them back. I'll get the rest," I tell them. Okoye looks at me with a look of anger but helps them back.

    I move down the halls, take down soldiers on the way. Nothing to hard yet, thankfully. I turn the corner and this time the doors are all made out of solid steel and most likely some other metal. I break down the first one and I see Natasha. She is on her knees with her hands strained from the celling. I get her out of the chains and help her up. I move to the cell next to her and this time it's Steve. He's in the corner. It looks like he's given up. "Get up soldier boy. Our work isn't done here," I tell him. 

    As soon as I say that I can see fight left in him. I help him up and hand Natasha's limp body over to him. "Get her out, take my gun and get to the ship. Your shield should be there," I command and throw one of my hand guns to him. I go to the last cell and get Thor out and tell him to catch up to Steve. 

    I move onto the next section and this time it's the hospital "rooms". The first one in Wanda, then Bruce, then Vison. Once their all out that only leaves me with Bucky. And I know exactly where he is. Where it all began, his first cell. I dart threw the halls as fast as my legs will let my go. Once I get to the hall it's surrounded by guards. Korbin knew that I was coming here. 

    They all point their guns at me. "I'll make this a fair fight," I tell them pouting down my gun. As I do though, I through a smoke bomb and grab my knife. I maneuver through the smoke and them out one by one. Killing each one in the process. I start punching the door with my metal arm, breaking it. That's when I see him. Instantly a smile forms on my lips. I run over to him and hug him. "Bucky," I breath out in relief. He hugs me back and then looks me in the eyes. He go to grab my mask and instead of pulling away, I let him take it off. He throws it on the ground and he kisses me. Sweetly, passionately, and desperately. I pull away and help him up. 

    I throw his arm over my shoulder and we get out of here as quick as we can. As we run through the halls guards start to surround us. I carefully put James on the ground and I pull out two hand guns and start firing. There's about thirteen soldiers and in under thirty seconds they all fall. I pick Bucky back up and we make our way out. We take the stairs and once we get to the top I see Korbin. Not only that but he has Peter held gun point. 

Can anyone guess who she helped escape from Hydra???

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