Christmas specail p.t. 2

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Y/n pov
I knock on Dr. Raynor's door, and right away she opens it. "Hello Y/n. How can I help you?" She asks with a smile. "We are going away for Christmas. Is there anyway we could call instead?" I ask. "Sure, but first you have to tell me where your going," she demands. "Germany," I smile.

It feels like it's been forever since I've been back home. "Have fun. Our next meet is in two days at 10:00 am on the dot. Don't be late," she smiles. "Ok." Bucky and I then walk away. I pull out my phone and call Peter. Apparently he's 'sick'. The moment Peter answers the phone I hear a "cough, cough."

"Peter, do you want to go to Germany?" I ask. "What?!" He asks. Suddenly sounding all better. "I would love to! Oh, wait, no I can't. I can't leave May all by herself on Christmas," he adds. "It's ok, she can come. We are leaving at 5," I tell him. "A-are you sure?" He asks. "The more the merrier," I smile. "Ok! I'll see you at 5!" Then he hangs up.

I shake my head and chuckle. "What did he say?" Bucky asks. "Him and May will come," I tell him. "How big is this place?" Bucky asks. "I don't know," I reply. "It'll be plenty room," I add.

Once James and I are in our room, we start packing. James packs the cloths and I pack the other stuff. The other stuff being guns, knives, secret stash of money. Don't worry, Bucky knows about it. What's mine is his and what's his is mine. I'm mostly talking about his sweatshirts.

Come five, everyone is packed and ready to go. We all hop on the plane and once everyone is seated down I start the count off. "Peter and May?" "Here," they say in unison. "Three Starks?" "Here." "Steve Rogers?" "Here." "Sam?" "Here." "Wanda and Vision?" "Here," they say together. "Nat?" "Here." "And James?" "Here," he smiles.

"Alright everyone! We are going to Germany. Is everyone buckled and seated?" I ask. They all say yes and I carry on. "Great, now no one is to unbuckle until I say. Ok? Ok." I smile and head back into the cock pit and we take off.

The ride is smooth and nothing went wrong for once. I can hear everyone walking around and what not. The plane ride is long but once we are in a thirteen mile radius, everyone is strapped down. "Alright, landing now," I tell them over coms. I land the jet in the snowy open forest.
Once we land I open up the shaft and we all walk out to a literal winter wonderland.

OOO's and AAA's fill the forest. There's a nearby shed that I walk over to and unlock. "Where's the house Y/n?" Tony asks. "We have to drive there. I couldn't land a plane in the back yard," I tell them. Once I open the door to the shed, it reveals six snowmobiles. "How do you own this?" Tony asks with a puzzled face.

"Let's just wait till we get home ok? Everyone's cold," I smile. Most of them are just in a sweatshirt. Meanwhile I'm in a black tank top. I love the cold, this, this is my happy place. Bucky and I pack up the snowmobiles and we all take off in pairs. Me with Bucky, Steve and Sam, Wanda and vision, the Starks, and the Parkers.

After about five miles, the old house starts to come into view. My eyes light up and I can't help but go fast, just wanting to be back inside the old place. "Here we are folks, our Christmas vacation," I smile. I park the snowmobile and grab the bags. We all grab our luggage and we make our way inside.

The house is made out of bricks and wood logs. The structure is old and rustic, yet fancy. The place can hold up to twenty people comfortable. I walk up to the porch with the fairy tail like swing, with vines crawling up the chains that hold it from the ceiling. I grab the key from under the mat which is under a floor bored that you have to pop out. I open up the door and I take the first step in.

  I smile and breath in the musty air. "Ok, everyone please take off your shoes at the mat. I had the place cleaned about five days ago," I inform them. "How?" Tony asks. "I was going to come up here anyway, even if it was just for a day or two," I tell them.

  Everyone walks in and takes off their shoes. The inside is wooden logs. It's an open concept. The living room flows right into the dining room, which flows into the kitchen. I walk over to the leather couch and the two matching leather chairs and I place my bags down. Everyone follows me and looks in aww at the well kept and semi fancy place.

  Tony is admiring the chandelier made out of real diamonds and gold. I take a seat on the leather chair and they all just look at me. "How do you have this?" Steve asks. I shrug my shoulders and look over to the book case. "This was my house," I smile. "Well, one of them," I add. "Believe it or not, my family was quite rich. Before my parents died they made a bank account under Emma Reif. They told the bank teller that I was a close relative, so when they died I got the money."

  "Then when Hydra came after my grandparents and aunts and uncles, I got their money as well. I would also steal the checks from the guards and put them in. Over the years, the money had grown into fiths," I finish. "So your rich like me?" Tony asks. "I don't like to talk about my money," I tell them. "But I am essentially richer then you by about a hundred million," I add.

  Everyone's jaws just drop. "Come on, I'll show you where you'll be sleeping," I smile. I make my way up the beautiful custom stair case. I run my figures over the wooden railing. There are markings of flowers and vines that go all the way up to the top. Once we get to the first room, I open it. Revealing a large room with a king bed. "Tony and Pepper will be in here," I smile. "Morgan you will be in this room right here," I tell her, opening the door next to theirs.

  They all go into their rooms and start to unpack. "Wanda and Vision will be in this room." Once more realizing a beautiful room with a balcony. I lead Sam, Steve, and Nat to their rooms on the third floor. Peter is in the room next to Morgan, and May is in the room across from Peter. Bucky and I are on the forth floor. My parents room. Bucky and I set down our bags on the bed and evidently we share a kiss.

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