Chapter 48

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Y/n pov
"I don't know. Hydra never kept track," Bucky lies. He knows how many people I've killed. Not the exact amount but he knows. "I see. Mr. Barnes, you are free to go," the judge says. "I've heard enough," the judge adds. "She was in a very similar position as Mr. Barnes," another one adds.

"If I may, I have one more person I would like to bring in," Anderson says. Bucky and I look at each other confused. "Bruce?" Bucky mouths. I shrug my shoulders. Then two guards walk in and with them, Korbin.

My heart drops and fear washes over my face. "no," I breath out in fear. Bucky stands up, making the chair fall over. "What the hell is he doing here?" Bucky shouts. "Mr. Barnes, I believe we asked you to leave," Anderson says. I can feel my heart start to beat like crazy.

Bucky is forced to leave the room. As Korbin takes the seat across from me, he stares me down. I can't, I can't bare to look at him. "What's the matter Y/n?" Korbin asks. I keep my gaze down and I can't help but fiddle with the metal on my finger tips. My old one was chipped and this one is too smooth for my liking. I can tell that Korbin is smiling. I can tell that he's happy with my discomfort.

"This is Korbin Almain. He was Y/n's longest handler," Anderson says. "He was with her from the beginning," Anderson adds. "He's one of Hydra's founders," the man in the blue suit says in shock. "Yes, I am," Korbin smiles. "He's supposed to be on the raft," the judge says. "Yes but he could play an important part in this case," Anderson explains.

"Fine," the judge gives in. "Why her?" The judge asks. My attention peaks. Yes, why me? What's so important about me? "Well, that's a long story my friend," Korbin says, all with a smile. "Her father worked with me. He was a brilliant scientist. He helped to creat the very machine that made her a monster."

"What?" I ask. "What have I said about talking unless spoken to my pet?" Korbin asks. "I don't belong to you any more," I bark. He laughs. "You will always belong to me," Korbin smiles. I quickly look back down, remembering my place. "Mr. Almain, please remain on topic," the judge cautiously reminds him.

"I ended up hearing that his daughter had a fight in her that no one has ever seen. Not only that but she was a mutant. I knew that she would be the perfect weapon. So I made her kill her parents and I took her and her brother. I used her brother as a bribe, so to speak. She became too powerful. By the age of thirteen, she could take down an entire army, which is just what we needed for the war. Best part, is that she would do anything I asked her to do. After a couple of therapy sessions," Korbin laughs the last part.

"What kind of powers?" The man in the gray suit asks. "She could see things that no one else could see. I was able to train her to find people. She could see visions, even the future every now and then. But she became to dangerous. Besides, I didn't want her to have to rely on her powers for killing," he explains. I don't like this, I don't like this. He shouldn't be here.

"How did you get her to kill for you?" The judge asks. "Simple, you get rid out the amygdala and the hippocampus, and welcome in the animal aspect of the body. In other words, I had killed y/n and welcomed in another. A monster, and then I gain complete control of her and I made her love killing."

"The fuck I did!" I yell standing up and slamming my hands on the table. "You turned me into a monster! You took me apart and rebuilt me like a toy!" At this point I'm fuming. "Everyone! Settle it down," the judge commands. "I can still see her. She's apart of you and you will never be able to get rid of her," Korbin says, refuting to Red.

"Go fuck yourself," I scoff. "Get him out of here," the judge commands. Right before he leaves, he looks at me and smiles. "That place will never hold me. And when I get out, I will make you kill everyone you love. Just like your brother. Then I will undo what the Wakandans did and I will make you mine again!" He threatens.

I look back down to the table and try to shake it off for now. "Y/n, we have come to a decision," the judge says. I look up at him, knowing that this could either be my last day, or a new life. His answer will affect the rest of my life.

"We will let you go. It is clear that non of this was your fault and it's clear that you didn't have a choice." It's like a weight has been lifted off of my chest. "Are you serious?" I ask in disbelief. "Yes. However, it seems as there is a lot of things that need to be worked out. Every five days for the next 548 days, you will have to go to counseling. That is a year and a half. You will start tomorrow at 9:30 am. If a mission comes up, you need to let us know, and it will get added on. If you are sick, and can not making it, it will get added on. If you forget, you will have it put on your record. Do you understand?" The judge asks.

I shake my head and studder, "y-yes." "Good. Y/n, I welcome you back to life. You are free to go," the judge smiles. I quickly stand up and run out of the room like a little kid. I swing the door open and run into Bucky's arms. He stumbles back, and pulls me back. "What did he say?" Bucky asks. "I'm free," I smile. I hug him again and he hugs me back. I can hear Anderson yelling, he lost his battle. However, I don't care.

Everyone lets out a sigh of relief. I pull back and take Bucky's side. "Can we go home now?" I ask. Bucky laughs and looks at me and smiles. "Sure thing doll."

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