Chapter 12

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Bucky's Pov

    Once the fight is over we are all waiting for Y/n to come back. Eventually I spot her coming from the trees. She has blood all over her. Something about her seems off. Once she get's closer I can tell that she's carrying someone over her shoulders. Korbin. She did it.

    "Y/n, are you ok?" Steve asks. "Captain America," Y/n says gritting threw her teeth. She says it in Russian but my brain instantly translates it. "Y/n, are you ok?" I ask concerned. Y/n doesn't respond and keeps walking. Once we're done cleaning things up and putting sertant people on one plane we finally take off. 

    I want to go home more then anything. I'm so done with Hydra. I get on the plane with T-Challa, Sam, Steve, and Y/n. When we get in Y/n is in a room with Korbin. He seems to be unconscious and he's strapped down to a table. We're all in the main part of the plane, when Sam stands up. Him and I walk to where Y/n is and he's the first to go in. While he's in there I'm waiting outside but am still able to hear everything.

    "Y/n are you ok?" Sam asks putting a hand on her shoulder. She grabs his arm and twists it. "Woah woah! Y/n it's me! Sam!" I hear him say. I can tell that he's hurt. I open the door and see that Y/n has his hand behind his back. Ready to break it in half. "I don't know you," She snaps. That's it. I'm stepping in. I grab her shoulders and pull her away from Sam. 

    She breaks out of my arms but I grab hold of her left arm. Keeping her secured. "You need to calm down," I command. "Screw off зимний солдат," she snarls back. She snatches her hand away and walks out. I can tell that's not her. I can see it in her eyes. She's lifeless, there's no emotion. I turn around to face Sam toppeled over, holding his shoulder. 

    "Are you ok?" I ask him. I walk over to him to see that she did in fact pop his shoulder out. I help him against the wall. "On the count of three I'm going to slam your shoulder into the wall and pop it back in." "The hell you are!" Sam shouts. "Ready? One, two," POP! "Agghhhh!!" Sam shouts in agony. "I thought you said three!!" He yells at me. "Well then you'd flinch and make it worse," I tell him. Also it was a great way to mess with him. 

    Sam rubs his shoulder and then looks at me. "Ok, what's going on with Y/n? Why did she do that?" Sam asks. I sigh and shake my head. Pinching the bridge of my nose. "She's not her self. My guess is that Y/n let her take over." "Who's her?" Sam asks. "The Red Soldier. You Americans really are idiots." We both turn around to see Korbin awake. Good thing Y/n's not here. "I didn't even have to say her words. She's out of control, she must be shut down and reprogramed," Korbin says in a raspy voice.

    "I'll just get her out like I've done in the past," I tell him. "It doesn't work that way. I've known her from the start. She was always the Red Soldier, I just had to give her that push. She's been out of her programing for to long. She needs to be but on ice and wiped." I go over to him and wrap my metal fingers around his neck. "You will never touch her again," I say. But as I do I can feel him say it too. "You think your fixed? Then who was that speaking?" "Buck, let's get out of here," Sam says putting his hand on my shoulder.

    I let go of Korbins neck and walk away. Right as I leave I hear Korbin say, "He's still in there." I can feel my blood start to boil. I squeeze my hands so tight my human hand turns white and I can feel my finger nails break the skin on my palm. "You ok Buck?" Sam asks. I sigh and shake my head.

    Sam and I walk to the seating area so we can tell T-Challa that Korbin is up. Once we get out there I see Y/n sitting in a seat on the far corner. She looks lifeless. It breaks my heart. But, what if Korbins right? What if the only way to fix her is to reprogram her? She's been fight for so long, and I know what that does on your mind and body. 

    We walk over to the table in the middle of the room and stand across from T-Challa and Steve. I can sence Y/n's eyes on me. She can't know he's awake. I look down to the table and grab a peace of paper and a pencil. I write, (He's awake) and pass it over to T-Challa. He reads it and nods his head. "I'll contact Shuri. Once we land she'll know what to do," he tells us. T-Challa walks away and Sam fallows. Steve walks over to me and leans against the table. 

    "You doing ok Buck? How's your back?" He asks, listing up my shirt. I wrapped it but I can tell that it's bleeding threw. I look over to Y/n, who's eyes are on my back. I can see her eyes soften but then quickly go back to emotionlessness. "It's fine. It'll heal. So how much longer till we're at Wakanda?" I ask. "About another hour," Steve replies. I nod in response. I walk over to Y/n and take a seat. I leave a seat in between us, incase she feels threatened. 

    "It's been a while красный солдат." (Red soldier) "Ваш предатель и неудачник," she responds. (Your a traitor and a failure). "I left because they where the bad guys. Do you not see that?" I ask her. "I'm no traitor Winter. I survive and listen to orders like I was made to do," she tells me. "I see. Now can I ask you this?" Shockingly, she looks at me. "Can I talk to Y/n?"

A New Day (Book 2)Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora