Christams p.t. 1

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Y/n's pov
  Thanks to Wanda, I can finally be myself again. And Dr. Raynor has helped me out a lot. The nightmares are still constant but my chest feels lighter. With Red fully gone now, I'm able to be me. It's something that I wouldn't image. Bucky and I are sitting on the couch, watching a Christmas movie with everyone.

I really don't see the point in Christmas anymore. With Peter, my brother that is, it was more sentimental. I guess I don't like the way that they portray Christmas here. Back in Germany, I can remember being a little girl and stealing a bracelet for my brother. I had a matching one, but eventually Hydra found out and took it away from me.

It didn't really matter too when I was in Hydra. As we're all watching the movie Elf, and nearing the end. I look over to Morgan, who almost seems down. I look back at the screen and it's right where "Santa" pulls up, barely hitting everyone in the city. Once the movie ends, Pepper asks Morgan, "Are you ready for Santa to come this year?"

"It's ok Mommy. I know that she's not real," she says. I hear this, knowing how much my brother believed in Santa, and how much most kids do, I was taken back by this. "What makes you say that?" I ask. "A couple of boys at school told me that he wasn't real. They said that it was for baby's," she says.

I walk over to her and bend down. "Well, what would Santa say about that attitude?" Pepper says. "I know he's not real Mommy," she says once more. "Well, I happen to know Santa," I tell her. I can see a little spark in her eyes. "How?" She asks, now confused. "He lived in Russia, we where good friends. Him and his reindeers would fly me places," I tell her.

"How did you meat him?" She asks. "Well, a couple of Nazi's tried to shoot him down one Christmas, and I had no option but to save his life," I start. "Him and his reindeers crashed and I had to nurse him back to health. You could meet him if you want, but. No never mind," I say standing up and pretending to yawn.

"What?" She asks. "Well, you said it yourself. It's for baby's," I vertebrate. "But I mean, you know. It's not everyday that you get to meet THE Santa," I say, now slowly walking away. I can tell that everyone is confused by this. "Wait! I want to meet him!" She exclaims. "Well, just to prove those boys wrong," she adds with a little smile.

I look at her and walk to her and bend down. "If you don't believe me by the end of this, then you have the right to drawl on my arm with Sharpie. And if you do believe me, then I get to..." I think for a moment and look across the room. "Then I'll shave Bucky's head," I exclaim. She laughs and I stick out my hand. "Deal?" "Deal!" She squeaks.

"Wait! I never agreed to this," Bucky calls in confusion. "Doesn't matter. A deals a deal. Never forget that Morgan," I tell her and wink. Tony and Steve both burst out laughing. I grab his hand and kiss him on the cheek. "It'll be fine my love," I smile. "Come on Morgan, you have school tomorrow," Pepper says. She takes Morgan up to her room and gets her ready for bed.

"So, how are you pulling this off?" Tony asks. "Well, we'll most likely have to go to Russia," I start. "Wait, why Russia?" Steve asks. "Your right. My house won't fit us all there. Hmm." "I would say that I could rent a house but first, it's Russia. Second, it's five days away from Christmas," Tony states.

Suddenly, a light bulb goes off. "Oh! I know just the place," I smile. "I have a phone call I have to make," I say smiling and walking away. "Barnes, do you know what she's talking about?" Steve asks. "No idea pal," he responds. I walk out of the room and into mine and Bucky's shared room.

I look down to my watch that reads 9:45 pm. He won't be up, I'll have to call him in the morning. I sigh and place down my phone on the night stand. I sit on my bed and eventually, fall asleep.

(The phone call is in Russian)
Come morning, it's 9:35. I'm sitting at our floors counter drinking some coffee. I keep on checking my phone every three seconds. Finally, it reaches 9:45 am. I grab my phone and call my number. I listen to it ring for about four seconds. "Hello?" A Russian voice picks up. "Iscov! Hello my old friend!" I great.

"Marsha?" Iscov asks. "Yes, how are you?" I ask. "It's going. Wife has been a pain in my ass," he jokes. I laugh. "I have a favor to ask Iscov," I start. "I'm listening." "Remember how I saved you back in Turkey?" I ask. "Yess." "Well I would like to pull in that favor," I tell him. "Of course, what is it?" He asks.

"Do you still have that long white beard?" I ask him. "Yes, why?" He asks in a confused tone. "I need to meet with you and I need you to play as Santa," I explain. He just laughs. "You are a very funny woman Marsha!" He cackles. I roll my eyes, and out of nowhere, all the avengers are looking at me with wide eyes.

"You want me to play Santa?" He asks. "Yes. We can meet half way in Germany. I will give you coordinates. Can you be there in three days? I will pay for flight," I add. "Anything for you Marsha. However I would not count this as your repayment," he says. "I won't argue with that," I chuckle.

"I will be there. What is the girls name?" He asks. "Morgan," I tell him. "Thank you Marsha. I will see you in three days time. I will follow up later," he says then hangs up.

I can't help but chuckle at the older man. He really does look like Santa. I slip my phone in my back pocket and everyone just looks at me. "What?" I ask. "What was going on?" Tony asks. "Who's Marsha?" Bucky asks. "Oh Boys. We're going to Germany when Morgan gets home so pack your bags," I tell them. "Wait, who's Marsha?" Bucky hollers.

"Well follow me and I'll tell ya," I laugh. "Where are we going?" Bucky asks, catching up to me. "I need to go tell Raynor that I won't be here, but I can call. And Marsha was a stage name," I tell him. "It's what he knows me by. I saved him in 72, and didn't tell him my real name. He knew that my name wasn't Marsha, but he didn't ask questions," I explain.

"You are so mysterious and I love you for it. But why Germany?" Bucky asks once more. "Because it's the only house that I own that will fit all of us for Christmas. Also, I have some business I would like to do up there," I add. This will be fun.

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