16. KANE

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Deacon turned out to be a wolf,how many fucking lies are these so called lab pals going to take to disobey the Alpha.

"You shouldn't have left the house!" I said to Alya. "Now you've seen what the fuck you've done,Iris is dead,what will Leon think of me, that I only saved my mate and not her!" The anger in me grew like fire that I punched the wall and I hear Alya gasp in shock.

"It wasn't my fault okay!" She cried out. She held back her fist at me and cried. "How was I suppose to know that those freaking toxin wolves would ambush us?! Where were you when I needed saving?" She snapped and I grunt out.

"I was saving Leon and his been infected by the toxin,don't you see I can only handle one thing at a time? Don't you see I'm holding too much on my shoulders?" I walk over to her as Carlos and Deacon glared at me from across the office.

I wasn't angry just at her,I was angry at everything for no fucked up reason. If Leon gets the cure and finds out his mate is dead,will he ever forgive me? What more the chances of my Luna at risk as well. I can't take much more of this! No a damn way I'm am going against my wolf instincts and snap at Alya.

"If your not thankful that Deacon just saved me with his own life,then what's the point in me trying to fit in huh? Tell me! You hate anyone at anytime and I can't be with a man like you then." She looked away from me and passed by me holding back her tears. It hit my gut hard.

"You messed it up! You want to get rejected? Mate is breaking, if you don't fix this then I will not hesitate to take control of your rage."

I close my eyes and grunt. "Shut the hell up!"  Before I could stop my mate from the leaving the office, she slammed the door shut, without turning back.

I messed up big time. I pressed my hands on my office desk and sigh. I'm craving for her in my arms,I can be a bit overprotective but it's my nature to look after her and my mate.

"If you insist we leave Alpha, then-" I glanced over at Carlos and snapped. "Shut the fuck up! Will discuss other issues concerning the attack tomorrow." I looked over at Deacon who didn't seem to be listening to me.

I move my body towards him and I look him in the eye as my wolf surfaced. I can feel the urge to kill this  man right now.

"From this moment forward you are not allowed to be near my mate nor even dare glance at her." I said to him loud and clear before I grabbed his throat and pinned him against the wall,Carlos almost interrupted and I gave him a  'don't you dare' stare and he stepped back.

I felt Deacon squirming in my grip and I made it tighter. I leaned in and laughed.

"I haven't eaten anyone in a long time, for you to lie to me that your a black wolf,symbolizing your soon to be Alpha. What are you hiding Deacon?"  He clenched his jawline and growled.

"Nothing to your fucked up face." He insulted me. I flipped him over the table and it sent Sam and Mark into the room. This son of dog.

"I will not kill you. Your just lucky your alive to make the cure and not be harmed because of my Luna's instructions to me." He coughed out blood and I stood in front of him as made as hell.

"I will expect answers tomorrow morning. Otherwise I'm aching for your blood down my throat. Get the fuck out now." I let him go and Carlos breathed in relief that I spared his life.

"As for your Carlos, keep Leon in check." I told him. "Of course Alpha." He bowled his head and they both left my office with Sam and Mark.

I look out the window and  breathed deep,I missed my sweetheart,her voice and her vanilla scent. Just thinking about her made my wolf whimper. I'm a mess, a jealous fucking mess! I wasn't comfortable when Alya was on Deacon's back,feeling his fur as though she deperepeatedly It made feel rejected, weak and less of a man.

"No one should have mate. Not even Deacon's wolf. Claim her,warn him she's yours only. Mark her." Rex kept on whispering in my mind repeatedly. Now that Rex mentioned this,my mind floods with every angle I would hit that stunning woman. From her gentle lips to her wet core for me.

I feel my jawline and decided to leave the office and head straight home to my lovely mate. She maybe be made at me but that doesn't mean I don't love her,she's human and I'm suppose to understand that not being angry with her like some whore no,she deserve me,feel me and be marked by me only.

I stepped into the cold air and I knew my mate would be home by now with James guarding her. The night was dark but that didn't stop me from going home. I ran on bare feet with my shorts on, I sniff the air and I knew the forest at the back of my head.

I reached home and quietly taking a step inside my home. The light where off and I looked up the stairs and knew she would be awake. I carry my large aching body up the stairs and I hear my mate cry. My wolf whimpers at her cry,she kept on mumbling to herself 'what have I gotten myself into' that made me believe it was my fault.

I carefully try to open the door and I was breaking with what I saw.

She was packing her clothes.

"What are you doing?" I asked her calmly and she kept on moving about from drawer to drawer,constantly ignoring my voice, I decided to be a bit harsh on her.

"What the fuck are you doing Alya." I sound brutal and she looked up to me with a irritated glare. "I'm leaving." Her voice sounded like she didn't want to say it out loud. I grab her arm and my wolf surfaced with anger.

"Your not going anywhere." She pulled her arm away and snapped. "Or what! Your going to lock me up or even kill sure, Be. My. Guest." I felt my face with my palm.

"Alya please." I try to be gentle with her. "I need you and you don't know the damage your doing to our mating bond,your making me be harsh on you." I reason with her and the zipper of the suitcase echoes in our room.

"Fuck that crap,I can't be with a man I can't reason nor benefit with. This wolf thing,you being Alpha is just,just to heretic for me. I can't take it anymore." She sobs and she froze. Her words hurt me like a needle.

"Sweetheart-" she cut me off when she looked terrifying to me. "Don't call me your sweetheart!" She yelled and she placed the suit case down to the floor.

"You know deep down, you can't let go of me. I love you Alya please stay with me,I'm begging you." I look down on her but she closed her eyes and passed by me with the suitcase.

She's leaving.

I suddenly turned her around my hand on her arms,before she could hit me away I made a loud thud with my knees on the floor and wrapped my arms around her,gently leaning my head against her tummy.

She gasped quietly as we made no movements.

"Don't go...."


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