14. KANE

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I pinned Leon down to the ground and I hear him tap the the ground with his free left hand. I smirked knowing I just won again.

"You always win during training." Leon glanced at me as I rolled my eyes at him.

"You got a problem with that Beta?" I spoke cold. His face was unreadable as he just signed to the other side.

"Not really. You took the training personal today,is everything alright?" He asked me and I didn't hesitate to answer him.

"I'm the Alpha,of course I always have to take things personal with the chaos thats going, I'm sensing my pack is getting weak by the day." I growled at him.

It has been three long fucking weeks without any anti-toxin,no chance of hope of my pack because I lost twenty of my pack men and I can't seem to find the toxin wolves anywhere in the land...its like they just vanished in complete air. As for Rex he couldn't stop haunting me about marking my mate soon enough, this some how affected my training and being on Alpha mode.

Just when he was about to speak,  howls alerted me from the West. I turned ALPHA mode and quietly sensed, I wided my eyes with a beating heart rate.

They are too many of them.

"Leon! Get the other pack men immediately." I instructed him and I shift into my wolf and run as fast as I could.

"Iris make sure to be at safety,keep an eye out for anything suspicious." I spoke through the mind link.

"I can't!" I stop my paws from running and froze.

"What do you mean-" a toxin wolf attacked me from the left and I find myself against a tree. I looked over and it was a toxin wolf. It was brown and I literally saw its veins glow blue,one bite will transmit the toxin through me,fuck! Deacon your too fucked up to create such a toxin.

Carlos told me not to kill any of them. They might be our pack members.

I got up and growled at it. It suddenly stepped back,whimpering it's ears down and I didn't understand why it was afraid. I looked closer at it and it was female.

I froze and gave it space. It never meant harm yet it was infected,I thought nobody can control there tantrums with the toxin.

Behind the large bushes came out a young girl and I quickly remembered her,she was that very girl who I wanted to kill when I had a tantrum.

"Leave mommy alone!" She yeld and stood in front of it. That's must be her mother. She looked to be seven years old and wore a tiny black dress and she had a scar on her cheek.

I hear trembles from behind me and it was James,Mark and Sam.

"A toxin wolf! We should kill it,it might hurt the young girl." James took a step forward and I snap my jaw at him.

"No you will not!" I growl at him.
"But Alp-" I interrupt mark when my gold cold eyes stared at him.

"This girl,that's her mother. She must have been attacked by a toxin wolf and the poison took control of her but she doesn't have the grudge to kill her own daughter." I was surprised you can overcome such anger in mind. It would be terrible if she killed her,she wouldn't forgive herself.

Like I'd never forgive herself if I killed mate.

I looked over at her and tried to link her.

"We are not here to harm you or your daughter, we want to help you...please co-operate with us and we just might find a cure soon." She hesitated for a moment and she bowled her head at me.

I turn over my head to Sam and he stood with respect.

"Get the chains. If you come across a toxin wolf,chain them with steel metal,don't harm nor kill any of them. Take her immediately at the lab cages." He nods.

"Kane I need your help!" Iris storms in my mind as I jump over the tree barks. "What the fuck is going on? Are you guys okay?" I snap at her.

"I'm surrounded with Alya by my side! They are too many of them!" I flinch when I heard my mate with her. They are in danger and I have too save them.

"Fight back! I will be over there in minutes it's chaos over here!" I come running at the scene and they where about dozen of toxin wolves with my men attacking them back. Leon come to view and he almost got bitten but I rushed over and put it away with my head and it made a loud thud on the ground.

"Chain them up! We should not kill them." I mind link my men who fought in their normal human forms.

"I have too..save Iris." Leon whimpered and I look over at him as his wolf was on the ground. I help him up with my snort under his tummy and he got up but limped a little.

"Fuck!" Leon growled out and I see his leg was bitten. Oh no.

"Your infected. You need to be chained up now. I will handel it and save our mates." I spoke through his mind but I was cutting off when he pounced on me aiming for my neck,I pushed him with my paws to other side. The toxin already got to him.

"Save...her." He nods his heads roughly and he sends himself flying at me,I move to the left avoid his claws as Mark come running with the heavy chains. I run at him and press him against a rock till I heard his spine snap. The roared loudly and calmed down. That should keep him at  ease. Marks rushed over and tied his nake.

He grunts and I felt sorrow I had to hurt him like that. The damage was minimal, I was injured but not bitten.

I have to save Alya and Iris.

"Iris is pregnant that's why she can't fight back." Leon said to me and I was blown away with the news after he fell unconscious.

Fuck! I sent myself running as fast as I could. I sniff the air and found my mate sent and it led me to the North.

I jumped over the ledge and growl.

My Beta is expecting a pup.


Well...hope you love this chapter.

Sorry for the late update.

Thank you for reading!

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